Sunday, October 08, 2006

First Post

Went for my long run at about 9.30 this morning. It was very hot and by the time I got back it was up to 31 degrees. fourteen kilometres was a very long way today - Pippi (the border collie) gave up at the 3.5 kilometres (too hot) and sat down to wait for me to get back. Luckily there was only one car in that time!

As the title of this blog suggests my runs usually consist of lots of uphill running. The killer hill (about 1 kilometre of continuous uphill) was too much for me today and I walked it (took about the same time anyway).

All up it took 1hr and 40 minutes - I was tempted to make up a diffferent total, but who am I kidding? Not the best run ever, but I did see about 15 goannas and at least 2 other unidentified lizards. I feel good that I maintained my 14 k long run, but will need to go earlier next week when it's not so hot.


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