Friday, October 13, 2006

Running Goals

As I achieved most of my running goals for the year several months ago I figured it was time to come up with some new ones.

  1. To run a half marathon in June next year and hopefully one other (if I can find one not too far away).
  2. To keep running consistently - 25-30 kms/week
  3. To try and get faster - one speed session per week (I should be able to use the creek flat for this)

Three goals should do. At least it's something to keep me motivated. I feel ready to do the half marathon already, but the weather is getting too warm (June will be perfect).


At 8:38 AM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Thanks for your message Running Uphill.

I envy you being able to run in the bush. I don't get much chance to do that. All the best with your running, keep in touch.



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