Sunday, October 22, 2006


A busy, tiring weekend (but not from running). J had his first cricket game - scored 7 runs and did some wild bowling. Then he had 4 friends over for a birthday sleep-over. despite making them help walk the dog for 2ks and playing tips and generally running around they were still awake until midnight! This would have been okay but they were awake again at 5.30am as it is so light in the morning at the moment. Needless to say we have a household full of very tired people this afternoon.

I took Pip out (somewhat reluctantly) for a 5k walk (44 minutes). No sign of my friend from the other day (and I was looking pretty carefully). Thus, the DFD (Dingo Free Day)I will go running in the morning (I'm not letting that dingo scare me away from my favourite (and only) running spot. I have been reminding myself of the over a thousand times that I have been up there without seeing a dingo. Compared to the 2 times that I have seen one.

D is off on his first school camp tomorrow - 4 nights away from home.


At 9:44 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Hello Running Uphill

I don't think I want to read your blog too much it makes me homesick.
Cricket and sleepovers the stuff of an Aussie's dream.

At 12:11 AM, Blogger Pam said...


Thanks for your comment on my blog. Goodness, I feel exhausted just reading yours. I think you must be a good bit younger than I am - youngish children - but still, I admire your running. I also love the stuff about wildlife. We don't get beasties like that in Scotland!


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