Friday, October 20, 2006


Did my long run this morning before work. It was a nice morning, a little humid. Running from 5 till 6.30 must be the only good thing about the early sunrise at the moment (the birds started at about 4.30).

I had an exciting incident on the run. I had decided to leave Pip at home due to his lack of enthusiasm for long runs. Running along thinking about the usual stuff - work, the busy weekend ahead, how slow I was running, etc. I looked ahead and there was a dingo digging around on the side of the road. He saw me and took off. I picked up a rock just in case and then dropped it thinking that I was being a little paranoid. I got about 1/2 a k up the road and suddenly there he was again (I admit that I screamed this time) and he took off again, Sure enough I got another couple of hundred of metres ahead and he ran across the road in front of me (no scream this time). As you can imagine I spent the rest of the run jumping at every rustle in the bush (and also carried a stick for about 5 minutes).

Distance: 14k Time: 99 minutes (very slow)


At 1:33 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Wow Running Uphill

I didn't believe Lindy Chamberlain, but I beleive you.

Your name "Running Uphill" may have to be changed the "Running with Dingo"

At 9:43 PM, Blogger Sekhmet said...

Hi RU,

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog - loved your post about the Dingo BTW, I think I would have been terrified too! There are heaps of native Aus wildlife I've never come across while out running and believe me I am happy enough not to ;-)


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