Tuesday, October 31, 2006


That's just what today's run felt like. Gone was the nice rhythm of Saturday's run, replaced by a feeling that it was just hard work. The time wasn't too bad considering and I did have Pip for company. So much for my theory about running better in the aftrenoons, maybe that only works when I haven't been at wotk all day. Not that my job is physically taxing!

I have been running for nearly one whole year now (this time) and that is something to be proud of. I have run at least times each week for twelve whole months. I can run 14 kilomtetres. I have been in a 10 km race (54.49) and came eighth in my age group (I won't say out of how many but I wasn't last!). So even if today's run was a little like plodding I can still look back and see how far I've come.


At 11:01 AM, Blogger Ellie80 said...

a year! unreal! you should be very proud indeed. I know when I hit my blog-i-versary (when i started running properly) I am going to be over the moon! And I am aiming for something like your 10k race pace too - so will be watching your training!

At 12:49 PM, Blogger 2P said...

If you are new to speed work there are a number of things you can do that will accustom your body to the rigours that speedwork brings:

- try putting in some surges when you run i.e. pick a landmark up ahead and increase the pace till you get there (in essence fartlek training)

- try some hill repeats i.e. pick a hill about 150 - 200m long and run up it (not flat out but at a pace you can sustain to the top) and repeat 4 to 6 times.

- do some 1k repeats i.e. run 1k then stop for 2 to 3 mins and go again 4 to 6 times (with your 10k pace you should be able to sustain a 5min to 5 min20 pace

- then move onto the 400's

Big thing to remember is that speedwork doesn't mean flat out it just means running for a period more quickly than you normally do and the shorter repeats you do the faster they will be and the more likely you will injure yourself if you are not used to it - so start with the longer slower paced ones and work your way down.

PS plodding is good ;-)


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