Thursday, October 26, 2006

Running with Pip

Pip came along this morn with no coaxing required. Maybe I should start to keep a log of his kms! Another nice early one today 5.10am (temp 16 degrees and 70% humidity). Lots of wildife (the good type) out and about. The achilles and under-side of right foot still sore for the first few kms. It felt better running on the ball of my foot on the steep uphill section.

I felt a bit yucky (super-tired) but tried to do some faster bursts on the smaller hills. I had to really push myself at the end as I was feeling a little bit light headed. Thankfully I feel fine now and have an inservice today which should be good.

6kms: 38mins (av running pace: 5.9 - good!)


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Hi running Uphill

What's "Inservice"? What kind of dog is pip?

At 7:49 PM, Blogger running uphill said...

Pip is a border collie ie a dog that is supposed to like running! Except he is too smart & can't work out why he should go up the road when we are only going to come back. An inservice is a staff training day - I am a teacher so that means a day off class at a nice resort!


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