Run Work Run Work
Happy to report that the Graves Disease is still in remission. The doctor was also very happy to note that my heart rate was in the 50s and my iron levels back to normal. So now there are no excuses. Except for work, life,etc.
Have had a very hectic week at work and worked all day yesterday, today off, then the next 6 days straight. Plus I am working in Coffs for the next week so that means 2 hours of driving each day. Thankfully they have opened up a new section of highway (finally) which means that it is about 10 minutes quicker.
On the running front I managed two 5k runs in the morning this week and walked three mornings (as I worked late a few nights). I am always slower in the morning , even walking. It takes a while for everything to wake up and for my achilles to loosen up.
Yesterday I managed a 10k run (after work) which will have to suffice for the long run as is a bit busy - picnic lunch for MIL's birthday today (although I'm not sure that the weather is going to cooperate so it might be lunch at a restaurant).
Still mulling over the marathon plan. The most pressing questions are: should I follow a program? (I have a very strong aversion to any kind of plan for some reason, so maybe need to develop my own) and can I do it on three days a week? (this will be hard when not daylight savings as there is often only enough daylight to get in a 5 or 6 k run and I think my mid-week runs will need to be longer).
I don't plan on getting into this seriously until January and my goal is to complete it comfortably (as in without suffering too much, having to walk, or worse) but to get to the start feeling as though I have done enough preparation.
Any suggestions from those more experienced that I would be greatly appreciated.
I'll see if I have any good plans that would suit your goals RU and get back to you.
You could use the same sort of programme that I am using. It's a times a week plus cross training. Not sure if you have access to a pool and/or bike to x train. Look up the Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training on the net (FirsT) and you will find a programme there.
sorry to not have gotten back sooner RU. The programs Lulu mentions are good. But even a simple plan of at least 6 real long runs, over two and a half hours and 2 speedwork sessions a week will get you to the marathon in good shape.
Lately I've been doing boxing training to help with upper body strength and it seems to be working. But simple stay fit enough to run a regular schedule and you'll PB.
I'd love to be able to impart all my knowledge of running a marathon, but unfortunately my training was all over the place because I was just not focused enough to do it properly.
Good luck though, I'm sure you'll do really well.
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