Sunday, June 08, 2008


The day started quite well apart from the bad night's sleep and J coming in at 4.40 to say 'the race is on today'. A little bit of an upset stomach but I felt okay by the time the race started. I started in front of K from work who was going to try and crack her PB of 1.58. The first k was a little slow (5.54) but it did take 20 seconds to get across the starting line. I sped up for the second but already had a feeling that it was going to be hard to sustain the pace. My legs felt rubbery and I just lacked energy. The first half wasn't too bad apart from the head wind. I went too fast up one hill and actually felt a little nauseous for a while afterwards. I knew then that I wouldn't be able to push it too much.

I got to the turn around in an hour and 44. not too bad but I was going to have to speed up to reach my goal. I missed a few markers after that and got to the 15k mark in about 1.21. at this point it was still doable but I was starting to struggle. Nothing specific just a general lack of energy. By the time i got to the 16k mark I knew there was no way that I'd beat my time unless I ran my fastest 5ks and that was very unlikely to happen.

the rest of the race was a struggle. I started to take a wrong turn (luckily someone called out) and I must have looked like I was struggling as a few people tole me "Don't give up yet",
You're nearly there', etc. By about the 18k mark I felt like crying in frustration and it was an effort not to walk. I got overtaken by those who still had some energy and only overtook those who were finding it even tougher than I was for the next 3ks. It was already over 2 hours by the time I got to 20ks. An old gut tried to race me overtake and race me for the finish line - I must admit that I sped up and he said 'that was mean' and let me go first (not sure why I felt compelled to race at this stage but G said that I was running well at the end!).

The final result: 2.07.29. I am fairly disappointed but I must take what consolation I can get. I learnt how to really hang tough and I didn't walk. I know that I need to do the speed work if I want to get faster so that is something I will try to fit in.

As for J - 10ks in 49.59!! He came second in his category (10-13 year old boys) and the boy who came first was much older and fast! He said it was the most fun race he has ever been in and he managed that with one shoelace undone for much of the race. I think I have found my running partner.

Don't want to edit - sorry if there are mistakes!


At 9:08 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

You must be fairly disappointed but take what consolation you can get. You learnt how to really hang tough and I didn't walk. You know that you need to do the speed work if you want to get faster so that is something you should try to fit in.

Couldn't of said it better myself ;)

But, really sometimes you just feel bad from the outset and sometimes you race very well for equally unapparent reasons. I'd put this one down to a bad day.

Your boy is a talented runner it will keep you motivated seeing him really taking to this sport.

Rest up RU. Tommorow is another day.

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Jaykay said...

I've had good races and I've had some real shockers too.

Don't be too disappointed. There are plenty more races out there.

I've got used to doing speed work now and I have to admit that I have benefited from doing it but I don't really enjoy it.

Lucky you to have a new running partner. My daughter still hasn't caught the bug yet, but I'm not going to give up as I know she runs really well.

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Lulu said...

Sometimes, despite doing the all the training our bodies just don't co-operate. You stuck it out and finished and it will make you stronger for the next one.

Did you do any carbo loading? Even for a half if it is going to take more than 90 mins, they recommend a couple of days of carbo loading. Might be tough for you on your no gluten diet but might be worth looking into.


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