Friday, June 06, 2008


I've had my last run before the half - 5ks with J this morning. I got to work and noticed a slight sore throat (G has been sick this week, J had a day at home and D was home today) but I am ignoring it and hoping that it will go away.

After the half on Sunday I get to eat gluten for a week before my gastroscopy. That means I can eat kitkats, timtams, decent bread!!, lindor balls (is there a theme developing here?), go into a abkery and choose anything and drink beer (not that I'm a huge beer drinker but a cold one might be nice after the race). I'm sure there are other things that I have missed and if anyone has any suggestions. Then after I have the test I am going to cut back and then be weaned off my medication and hope that the Graves Disease has gone into remission. If not they will kill my thyroid with radioactive iodine - I know which option I prefer.

As for the race plan. I just need to keep to pace for the whole race. I'd like each 7 ks to be run in about 38 minutes. This should be achievable but I need to make sure that I concentrate as that is where I lost it last time. That, and try to take note of the kilometre markers so that I will know if I am on pace. I also need to get to the turn around in under an hour. Last time it was just over and that was hard to take mentally - I'll feel a lot more comfortable if I know that I am not trying to make up time. I know that a huge part of the race is overcoming the mental barriers so I need to stay strong and remember to use the hills to my advantage (not that I am actually racing anyone but myself!).

Earlier in the week there was a flood warning for the Macleay River (the race is the Macleay River Marathon) and some flooding around here too. The forecast is for showers on Sunday, hope it holds off until later in the day.


At 7:07 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

All the best with the race RU. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it. The old sore throat before a race. My advice on this is not to ignore it as the process of ignoring simply works to focus the subconscious on it and indeed manifest it. Just tell it to go away ;)

At 7:44 AM, Blogger running uphill said...

Thanks Scott, now I'm ready!


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