Monday, February 11, 2008

Getting Longer

Managed to increase the kilometres of running this week including a 12 km run yesterday. This meant running the nice section through rainforest along the creek which is flowing well at the moment. There were some nice squelchy sections due to all the rain we have had and the road is much more like a trail in parts. I felt pretty good afterwards (I took it easy) and woke up feeling fine today. The achilles has reared its ugly head again but is no worse than usual.

I felt motivated to get back into it after chatting with a colleague earlier in the week. She runs about as well as I do (although she has managed a half in under 2 hours) and is training for her first marathon in the middle of the year. She runs with a couple of friends and she says they have a pact that they are only allowed to use an excuse (for missing a run) once. I decided to make the same agreement with myself. I promise myself that the only excuses allowed are if it isn't safe to run (apart from illness or injury). Although I guess my problem isn't getting out there it's just that when I do I tend to always run at the same pace. I just don't enjoy speed work! So I need to find a way to incorporate some variety (ie speed sessions) where I will actually do them! Does anyone have any suggestions?

Weekly Roundup

Run: 25km
Walk: 15km
Total: 40km
Year Total: 215.6km


At 10:38 AM, Blogger Jaykay said...

Hi there.

Long time lurker, first time poster :0)

With regards to your speed sessions, I sometimes do 8 seconds running fast, followed by 12 seconds slow recovery. I repeat these for 10 minutes, then have a slow break, then do them again for another 10 minutes.

I find that it's not too much that you can't get up to speed within a few seconds, but also the recovery is quick.

I also do the same thing on the cross trainer. Makes the time go by pretty quickly!

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...


I don't like speedwork either but I sort of trick myself by doing the same sort of thing "Jaykay" suggests.

Like sessions of 15x30 seconds fast and 15x30 seconds jog. That is, one fast next slow like that.

Or simply going out and running fast from point A for 5 mins and then turning around and attempt to come back past piont A in under 5 mins.

The main point is to mix up these kind of sessions your mind must not
know what is coming other wise it will tell your body to be sensible go home and watch TV and have a beer ;)


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