Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

It is great to be on holidays at last, but wouldn't you know it? I have come down with a horrible chesty cough and general feeling of lethargy. However, as D has pneumonia a few weeks ago and G had a chest infection last week, I guess I can hardly be suprised.

Fortunately I don't feel too bad and am not bed ridden or anything like that. But, I haven't been running since last Thursday as I feel like there is a big rock in my chest and the thought of running does not appeal at all. Walking is okay.

I hope everyone has a good Chrissy. We will be out at the in laws with 30 for lunch (that is just siblings and their families plus G's parents). Fortunately they live by the beach so there will be swimming and beach cricket at some stage.

J's comment this morning "I wish that my tiredness would neutralise my excitement" - in relation to the wait for Christmas.


At 1:02 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Hey RU

J sounds bloody smart ;)

And that xmas near the beach will definetly help in your recovery.

Wishing you and your family the best for this period and the New Year.

Let us know what your goals are running wise for the new year


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