Sunday, September 30, 2007

Just Walking

Have not run at all since wednesday's 2 1/2ks. The pain seems to have settled into my right ankle/foot area with a little bit of swelling along the outside of the foot and some discolouration. It is a little painful to stand and walk on. I am going to be sensible and rest it until the swelling and pain have gone (although I am itching to get out).

A guy at work who is a football player/coach reckons that I should have 'run it out' on Monday and then been resting for at least a week after that as a general rule (not as treatment for this particular injury). What do you more experienced runners think? What do you usually do?

It is pretty annoying as this week we are off on a holiday to Qld. We are staying at a lake/touristy place for the first three nights where there is a 6k walking track that I was planning to run. Oh well, looks like I might be walking instead. G and the boys will be doing lots of fishing (for barramundi), I plan to do lots of reading (fishing is only fun if you have a good book!)

I will be patient. No running until this is resolved.


At 10:16 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Hey RU - discolouration is a sign of internal bleeding so zero exercise should occur for a minimum of 72 hours after the injury was incurred - as well as rest do ice, compression and elevation etc - anti-inflammatories are good too.

As for recommencing - the rule of thumb is: only do exercise where you can complete a full range of motion for the activity you are doing - eg if you can walk without limping or shortening your stride - great do it. If you then run and you have to limp or shorten your stride then you are not ready (because it means you are doing more damage) - capice?

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

You listen to 2P now RU. He knows what he's talking about. He has had many injuries over the years but luckily none to the head ;)


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