Thursday, September 27, 2007


Not too bad evolved into some serious soreness and a limp by the time I got to work on Monday. the pain wasn't coming from the knee that gave me trouble but from the other leg. Tight quads and sore hamstring to begin with and a tight calf by the end of the day. Yesterday my right ankle/heel/underside of foot was hurting too and has been since. I can only guess that this is due to running the last 3ks in a very stiff legged manner trying to nurse my left knee through the rest of the race.

The ankle pain has continued today but I thought I would try a little run as sometimes it seems to help when I am sore. I walked about 2 1/2ks and ran the same. Strangely enough the ankle was actually better when running but I could feel it in the quads and hamstring.

Anyway, enough whingeing. It was good to get out there and better than I thought. I have gotten over the slight disappointment with my time. I have realised that I can be really proud of my effort in the last 3 ks. I really wanted to walk but I hung in there till the end. I had a few tears at one stage but I managed to pull myself together. I would have liked to finish strongly but it wasn't to be on the day.

Some highlights:

  • Running with lots of other people (a real novelty for this solo runner)
  • Of course the Bridge and Opera House (was I ever glad to see it at the end)
  • Watching other inspiring people run their own races, like the serious runners and people from all walks of life
  • Nearly reaching my goal (and knowing that it is still there for next time)
  • My friend S running her first marathon, not that I got to see her, but she ran 3 hours 40!!
  • he Cool Running Cheer squad at the end and the encouraging policewoman. Thanks!

Of course the question now is what's next?


At 11:39 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Indeed RU that is the question.

So what will be the answer? I'll stay tuned to find out. Glad you're already thinking about what's next despite the pain of your last effort!!

At 9:54 AM, Blogger 2P said...

I love pain - I can read about it all day ;-)

I don't think you need have any disappointment about your time if you are that sore - you must have given it a fair dinkum crack!

Central Coast Half in December?


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