Tuesday, August 14, 2007


the past week of running has seen some incredible contrasts in the conditions. Did a quick 7ks on Tuesday afternoon (40.38) as yoga wasn't on. Then a short 5ks on Friday morning before work, nice and frosty in the paddocks and 2 degrees under the eaves. then yesterday afternoon I did my long run in a dry (31 percent humidity) and warm 27 degrees!

I saw a pair of dingoes about three ks up the road. I wasn't too happy with this as the ones I have seen in the past have always been solo. Still, they took off when they saw me (although to each side of the road). This slowed me down a bit as my head swivelled around in all directions to make sure they weren't following me (and not to mention the metre long stick I carried for a while). Then at the top of killer hill there were distinct paw prints in the dust and finally about 6ks from home on the way back I saw another one.

I knew the warm weather would bring them out, but I have only ever seen one per run in the past. I hope this is not a sign of things to come. Those who have read this blog for a while will know that I am a bit nervous of them (for no real reason except that I feel pretty alone when I am out in the bush).

I might run down the road (as opposed to up, which is nicer and quieter) if it is still warm next weekend. Or should I stop being a sook and enjoy communing with nature?


At 11:53 AM, Blogger Celeste said...

Dingoes will only attack if they feel threatened (or if they are hunting for food!!) But they can be quite vicious so I wouldn't like two of them following me either. Sounds like your actions were spot on - keep an eye on them, but ignore them too!

At 7:52 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

The Dingoes are back! Glad to hear it in a way it`s been so long that you`ve mentioned them in your blog I sort of missed them.

Celeste`s advice for Dingoes sound better matched to children.


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