Friday, September 07, 2007


That is an acronym for slack-blogger, which is what I have become of late. Partly I am blaming the slooow internet, but partly I have to blame the slack operator.

I have also been feeling a bit of a lull in enthusiasm for running lately too. Don't worry I've still been getting out there, just not as enthused about the whole thing and wondering why I signed up for the Blackmores Half (probably a good idea that I did hey?).

Saturday's long run was just hard work. I felt a bit bleugh in the morning (not sure if I accidentally ate some gluten) but I made myself go anyway. Eighteen kilometres, 2 hours and some aching muscles later I was just glad to be finished. This week I have done a 5k on Tuesday and that's it so far. Too wet this morning and got home too late tonight.

Will try for the morning if the weather co-operates. Sorry, but heading out into a cold, dark, wet morning on a muddy, slippery road just isn't my thing. Then on the weekend I will do a 15k long run and try to pick up the pace a bit (maybe 6 minutes?).

Any motivational tips?


At 8:58 AM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Yes, RU.

Just imagine (my reality) you have spent the last 3 months running in 30 to 40 degree tempatures with 70 to 90% humidity and you will long for a cold wet run.

Stick with it Ru spring is on the way.

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Celeste said...

Go for a run, just because you want to. Leave the watch at home. Run at a pace nice and easy and enjoyable. Feel strong. And THEN worry about the half!

At 6:51 PM, Blogger 2P said...

What you need for motivation is a data-based training regimen.

Step 1. Look at the scales

Step 2. Look at the calendar (specifically the bit that has the Blackmores date circled)

Step 3. Crunch the numbers :-)

Works for me everytime!


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