Saturday, May 23, 2009

Endless Options

All Dressed up and Nowhere to go
Blame it on the Rain
Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head

I usually struggle to come up with a fitting post title but today it seems that the options are unlimited. Not a great deal of running to comment on this week as, once again this year, we have experienced flooding. Yesterday I had my third day (for the year) at home because of flooding. This is not a bad thing in itself, but it is annoying to have a day at home but be unable to run because:
a) it is pouring rain
b) the road has turned into a mudslide/creek in places
c) the bridges are under water
d) the wind is blowing huge gusts that, when combined with the soggy ground and massive trees, make the road quite dangerous

Despite the fact that I have only run once this week I am feeling quite positive about my running at the moment. I have been steadily improving my times and have been able to keep the niggles at bay (probably cos I'm not getting out much!).

Have signed up for the 10k at the Macleay River Marathon in two weeks, along with J (who I will struggle to keep up with as he clocked a 13.40 for the 3ks at his school cross country). As I write this the Macleay River has a major flood warning on it so that should be interesting. The major problem I face is that I am having a gastroscopy and colonoscopy two days before this race. So I may end up walking it or having to take it easy if there are any after effects. I mainly signed up because J and I decided months ago that we would run this 'together' this year, so I didn't want to disappoint him.


At 11:42 AM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Good to hear from you RU. Hope you can do that 10K with no problems, it'll give you an idea of where you're at fitness wise and some motivation to continue with the training.

Let us know how it all pans out.

Stay high and keep dry! So to speak.

At 12:59 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Hey RU good luck with the tests and the run.

Should we send swim fins?


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