Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Creek Work

Thanks to some good advice in regard to my speedwork I have just completed a good session. i decided to use the creek flat again as we have just had it slashed, which means no more runnign past stinging nettles and thistles that were taller than me.

I ran 3 laps slow (1.8km) then 400m fast, followed by a 200m walk and a slow lap (600m) X 4, then 3 laps of slow.

It was a bit hot and humid to begin with and the ground is pretty rough due to it being a creek flat (not exactly lawn!), the recent slashing and a bit of rain earlier this arvo. But it felt a lot better than last time - I think the walks really helped me to push that last bit and I had plenty of recovery time in between. I also borrowed a decent stop watch from work.

I'm not sure whether I should do this session next week or alternate with a fartlek. Any ideas?

Times: 2.09, 2: 2.18, 2.12, 2.17. All up 7.8 kms: 47 mins (av pace: 6 mins). Certainly a good improvement on the last attempt, it felt better anyway!


At 9:54 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Hey RU that is a great session - much more consistent than your first go and your times are right on the money (for your 10k PB) for cruise intervals - well done.

As for what to do next - up to you but it depends a bit on what your running goal is - obviously you want to get faster - but faster for what? 10k?, half marathon?...

Variety is the spice of life and it is also good to do different types of speed work to get your system and body used to running at all sorts of paces. You can do 400's, 800's, 1k, 1,200's & 2k repeats or cruise intervals. To get an idea of the pace you should run these just plunk your 10k PB into this calculator and take it from there

As for fartlek - personally I find it the most enjoyable. I do one inspired by Steve Monaghetti - after warm up do 1.30 faster, 1.30 float x2. then 1.00 faster, 1.00 float x 4, 30s faster, 30s float x 4 and 15s faster, 15 sec float x 4 (20mins all up) then warm down.

Have fun :-)

At 12:53 AM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Hi "Running with Dingos"

2P's advice is good I'm gonna take it myself. Just a little bit to add of my own. I have been getting off on hill workouts of late. Running 10 to 15 up a hill for 30 seconds and jogging down for the recovery,no complete rest until completed.

It works to improve my form, I start to use my arms to pump me up the hill, and I feel strong after these type of sessions. That is, after I've caught my breath.


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