Thursday, December 28, 2006

Eating well, but still running

A few days of over indulgence ... should continue for a few more I think. I had a good run, this time around a larger block, yesterday morning. Probably 7ks (43 mins). Might try for a slighly bigger block again next time. Distances are very deceiving in the 'burbs. What takes a while in the car is in fact not all that far on foot. I guess with traffic lights and all that.

It was nice to run on fairly flat terrain, but the achilles was still squawking. maybe due to the harder surface. I tried to run on the bitumen or verge where possible but still ended up running on the footpath a fair bit.

Pleasant weather conditions for running - about 14 degrees. Will try to get out for a walk today. Good to see some fellow runners are still getting in their runs over the festive season.


At 12:17 PM, Blogger Celeste said...

Man, I hear you about the over-indulging!! But I figure if I still get out there for a run, then it's OK as long as it is only once a year. Mind you, I'm sure it knocks my wieght-loss goal back a few notches.

At 5:59 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Nice work RU - the bigger block concept sounds like a good plan.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Vicky said...

Hi RU, just found your blog and had a read back over the last few months. Loved reading about the wildlife you encounter (yikes to the Dingo!) and think you are very lucky to have the bush and rainforest on your doorstep.
I am also one of those that have overindulged over Xmas and as I am not really able to run much right now due to injury - its taken a double toll !

Cheers, MAR (Mad About Running)


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