Friday, December 15, 2006

Remembered the voltaren this morning which helped, although I did forget to ice (my mornings are not conducive to remembering these things).

The run was okay- 7 ks in 45.03. The first k was 8 mins so that means the pace was just over 6 mins for the next 6 which is okay for the morning. I have sort of given up on any type of speed work for this week, just didn't feel like it this morning. In fact I do wonder if there is any point when I am not actually training for a specific event at the moment. Whilst I do enjoy the feeling after a hard session I really don't enjoy it at the time. But then again I guess nobody does. It is also a lot harder to motivate yourself when running alone.

I guess the main reason I want to get faster is so that I can feel like I am still improving. I know that I could run longer but it is pretty hard to find a decent chunk of time most weeks. The main thing though is that I still enjoy running (even if I'm not getting faster) and I am still doing it!


At 12:15 AM, Blogger Samurai Running said...


"still doing it" counts for a lot.
Soon this consistency will manifest faster times.

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Celeste said...

I agree! That's my philosophy too! Just get out there, plod away for the fun of it and let the times work out for themselves!

At 11:19 AM, Blogger 2P said...

Seems to me you are getting quicker RU - nice work.

As for Bodyglide - yep it is great stuff - because it is not an oil base it does not stain like vaseline etc and it certainly works well - the other thing I use if I'm out of bodyglide is Amolin cream.

Can be hard to buy though - some Rebel stores stock it and some sports stores - easiest was is probably to order it over the net - it's a bit expensive though.


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