Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Nice Cool Morning

It was a nice 15 degrees at 5.30 this morning. I was tempted to stay in bed but got up and was glad that I made the effort. It was nice to have a cool and not so humid morning. I only did 6ks (38.53 mins) but an okay pace for the morning. The achilles only hurt if I tried to pick up the pace too much.

Off to yoga this afternoon to see how unflexible I am (again). Every week I think that I should do some yoga between classes but I never seem to find (or make) the time. Holidays soon so I will try to develop a routine.


At 8:16 PM, Blogger Celeste said...

I must admit, I've grown accustomed to the early mornings. I never realised dawn was so beautiful - I tended to sleep through it. Now all I need is to get to bed earlier in the evening and I will be completely happy! I don't like running when the sun is fully up - it's just not the same anymore!!

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Hey RU

Hope your achilles gets better soon.

I had a pretty bad left one for about 8 months and a couple of months ago it just fixed itself.

In fact the first two years of running I was running with one injury or another, but now I'm running pain free except for a couple of normal niggles that come with running long distance.

Stay with it and enjoy those summer morning runs.

At 11:52 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Nice work getting out of bed RU - well done ;-)


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