Friday, November 24, 2006

Another slowish 7 ks (47 mins). Idecided to take it easy for the first 2 ks (16 mins!!) to warm up the achilles - the pain seemed to alternate between there and the underside of my foot. Obviously the time did get better or I would have been late for work.

I sort of did a fartlek but am still finding that I slow right down on the floats. It also felt quite warm up in the bush. It is amazing how much warmer it is up there than here at home at that time of day. Overall I was just glad that I got out there and ran this morning.

The plan for the weekend is to do a long run, the first in weeks, not sure when as I will have to work around 'boys' and their cricket and fishing plus social commitments. Maybe 10 ks on Saturday early before the cricket.


At 9:50 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Hey RU you are doing fine - good idea to warm that achilles up slowly - don't worry about slowing right down on the floats - as you get stronger it will even out a bit.

Good plan for the long run - it is an integral part of your training.

As for your comment on my blog - it is a Garmin 305 - a GPS running watch

The 205 is a bit cheaper but doesn't include the heartrate monitor.

Christmas time is coming up - maybe you could ask Santa :-)

A lot of Coolrunners buy them over the net from a US supplier Prosportwatches - very reputable, cheap and no problems with warranty (I know I had to recently exchange mine).

Apart from recording everything about every run it can be programmed with workouts as well - so something like a Mona's Fartlek you get a beep when it's time to go and time to slow and it automatically records your stats.

Anyhoo - keep up the good work RU - I enjoy reading your blog and reading about your persistence with running - good on you ;-)


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