Monday, November 20, 2006


Just a walk today, but a nice brisk one. 5ks in 43 mins. The plan is to run in the morning but it will depend on what time I wake up. I want to try to get back to some longer runs this week as the work routine settles back into the normal pattern. It would also be nice to lose the couple of kilos that have crept on over the last little while - too many lollies, chocolates etc at work functions, but I am not going to dwell on that one. I just need to be more aware of what I am eating. It is so easy to eat without really thinking about it, especially sweet things.


At 10:47 AM, Blogger 2P said...

Wow that is a brisk walk - I really suck at walking (worse than I do at running).

Just keep moving for 40mins+ each day (or so) and those kilos should disappear.

Keep up the good work RU ;-)


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