Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Running on bitumen

You can tell that I'm a little tired by the imaginative title of this blog. How do other people always come up with interesting ones?

This morning I managed a quick run around the housing development next to the resort (unfortunately the beach wasn's suitable due to a very steep camber). I was a little seedy due to lack of sleep which is was always happens when I drink more than a glass of wine! I probably covered about 6ks in about 36 mins. It was fun running past all the magnificent houses and stunning views and the resort was pretty nice.

Not sure when my next long run will be as I'm off to Sydney for the weekend for D's appointment and to catch up with family. I'll probably get in a quick one at some stage.

I'm only at work 2 days this week. Added to last week I can feel the work piling up - oh well it will still be there next week.


At 7:59 PM, Blogger Celeste said...

Hi Running Uphill. I love this whole blogging thing. Keep up the good work (your slow is still quicker than my fastest sprint!!) I've linked you to my blog - hope that's OK.

At 10:41 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Perhaps you could have called it bitchumen in the Burbs....

Nice work mate.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger beakus said...

Hi RU,

Thanks for your comment on my blog :o)

I find the titles the hardest thing about blogging - which is why sometimes mine are just rather simple affairs :oD

Hope the energy levels pick up soon!


At 12:41 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Hey RU

If I ever have problems thinking up a blog title I steal them off other people. I'm gonna call my next post "running on Bitumen."
Thanks very much!


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