Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Morning became afternoon

The morning run didn't eventuate as I slept in till 6 (not the planned 5.15 start) as I never set an alarm clock. I obviously needed the extra sleep as I'm still recovering from my 1 day weekends of the last few weeks.

It was still pretty warm when I got home but cooled down enough by 5.45pm to run. I chose the creek so that I could just come back up if I got too hot. Pippi started to head out to the road for the run and turned up his nose in disgust when I was only going down the creek - he went straight back into his yard. I would love to know what that dog thinks.

The run was fine - 6kms in 36 mins.

Just a walk this morning as I am leaving late for a 2 day conference. It should be good as I get to stay in a nice resort, meals provided, etc.


At 12:34 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Enjoy the working holiday RU - nice 6k in a handy time. Well done.


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