Friday, November 10, 2006

Busy Busy

One more day to go of my ultra busy week. My brain is hurting!

I've managed 2 runs this week which has been pretty good considering. Wednesday I had a quick 5ks (31 mins) and this morning I did 7 kms (tried doing a fartlek type thing) in 44 mins (the time was pretty normal - I think I slowed right down after the faster bursts. Is that usual?)

Tonight I am having a glass of wine and an early night. I still have to leave home at 7.30 in morning and will miss the boys' cricket.


At 12:23 AM, Blogger 2P said...

Hey RU - looking good mate - yes slowing down after the faster bursts is normal.... the trick (at which I tonight failed dismally) is to find a pace for the "efforts" and the "floats" that is sustainable for the full fartlek session. If you do it right your overall pace should be just a bit quicker than your normal running training pace.

Cheers mate - you are doing great ;-)

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Hi Running Uphill

Just checking in to see what's up.
I've also had a hard week with work, a glass of wine and an early night sounds the ticket.

Seems like your training is going well. If all this running is making you tired or a little sore why don't you try a massage. It Works for me.


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