Sunday, November 19, 2006

Running in the Suburbs

Managed a quick 5k run around Wahroonga this morning. It was very pleasant, not too many people out (only 2 other runners spotted), nice and cool. It was fun to look at all the huge old houses and lovely gardens.

It was also a good weekend of catching up with family. We took the boys to the Aquarium which is always great and had a quick look at the Maritime Museum where we got into trouble for trying to sneak in without getting our free tickets - go figure! Played a few sets of tennis and did okay considering I don't play too often these days.

J is over the moon as he now has a Nintendo DS - every boy's dream!


At 9:17 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Good to see you having fun in the big smoke RU ;-)

At 7:12 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Wahroonga eh?

If you spend too much time there we can start to call you "running upperclass."

I understand J's excitement on getting his hands on a Nintendo DS.

Also I found and played that song you alluded to last post. It was good. Got anymore recommendations for music? I'm sort of out of touch over here.


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