Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Slow Seven

A slow seven kilometres this morning. I woke a little late and thought about not going, but dragged myself out of bed at 5.30. My right achilles was very tight for the first few ks and a little niggly throughout the whole run - which explains the slow time of 48 minutes. I'm not sure if it is the shoes, running on bitumen or what, but I want it to go away. It's not as though I have been clocking up a lot of ks over the last few weeks.

Off to yoga this afternoon for the first time in 3 weeks. I have missed it and I am sure that I will be feeling it.

Wow I just worked out how to set time and date - what a slow learner! Some of you must have thought I was an insomniac :)


At 6:19 PM, Blogger 2P said...

nysauNice work on the 7k RU - make sure you ice that achilles after every run for 20 minutes or so and pop a little nurofen or voltaren gel on before hand.


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