Monday, December 04, 2006

Hot and Slow

That title sounds a bit rude! It is actually a description of my long (ish) run from yesterday. The day warmed up considerably (mid 30s) and I had to put off my run until about 5.30pm when it was 29.8 (I figured that I couldn't possibly run while it was over 30). So I decided to rake it weasy as it was qite humid also. I managed 9ks in 62 mins which was okay, especially as it was still 29 when I got back.

I have to say that the hot weather did not really bother me. I had made sure that I drank plenty of water during the afternoon and afterwards. But I was completely stuffed by about 9.00 last night. Needless to say my furry friend did not bother to come, preferred to hang out with the boys playing tips.

D scored his first runs (3) in cricket yesterday.


At 4:50 PM, Blogger Celeste said...

I understand the heat! My latest trick is running through people's sprinklers.

At 6:35 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Go D!!!

Well done on the run RU - keep this up and it wont be long before you are running long trail runs ;-)

At 11:07 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Yes RU

"Hot and Slow" does sound a bit dodgy but better than "Cold and Fast" which is a recipe for a pulled muscle!


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