Sunday, November 26, 2006

Misty Mountain

It was beautiful out running at 6 this morning. The tops of the trees were all shrouded in mist and you couldn't really see across to the mountains.

I finally fot a longish run in (10ks in 70 mins). the time was still slowish but i took it easy again for the first few to warm the chilles up. I took the advice and used some voltaren and it did feel better. I even iced it briefly when I got home - in the short amount of time available before cricket.

The running felt ok. I got into a nice rhythm once I was warmed up. Pip came part of the way - dragged on the leash after I caught him heading back home twice, then he stopped and waited for me to come back.

Cricket was fun and J got 13 runs so he was happy. G and D are still at it.


At 1:01 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Nice run RU good to see you get a long one in - nothing wrong with 70mins for 10k.

Wooohoo on J getting to double figures ;-)

The Garmin will work anywhere above ground in the world - the only exceptions being right in the middle of big cities, under exceedingly heavy tree canopy and in deep close valleys.

To add further temptation - you can upload your runs to programs on the www that will superimpose your run on sattelite photographs - see Miners_Run blog (he is in Port) as he often posts his pictures - you can find a link to his page from my comments section from Thursdays run.

Sorry I don't have the technology where I am to get his URL for you.

Congrats again on the run and keep up the icing - it's important :-)

At 8:28 PM, Blogger R2B said...

Just passing through.
Looking good.

Happy Trails

At 8:37 PM, Blogger Pam said...

Hello, thanks so much for revealing yourself as an occasional visitor to my blog! I'm really only looking up the internet because I'm about to take my mum out to an exhibition and I need the opening times, but couldn't resist looking to see if anyone had been prompted to reveal themselves by my last night's post. Must dash now... not nearly so impressively as you, I'd have to say. 10k in 70 minutes - I'm exceedingly impressed. I'll be back.

I don't know what the temp is here, but it's cloudy at the moment. Not frosty or anything, though.

At 8:39 PM, Blogger Pam said...

By the way, it's not 1.37 am, as it claims at the end of my comment. Presumably it's something like that with you, though here my computer says 9.32 (am). Don't quite understand this.


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