Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Whinging, not running

Just a walk this morning (5ks with Pip).

What I really wanted to write about is how annoying my day was. It started with staff members wanting something from me so badly that 2 of them were literally following me around for about 5 minutes (about 2 feet behind!!) AAArgh - so needy! Why couldn't they either do it themselves or give me some space to do it?

Then I got told I was helping out with something about 2 minutes before I was supposed to start. Plus they were trying to cram every end of year activity in in the time before lunch as there was a presentation after lunch (a very boring one at that).

Not to mention the staff who are sick at the moment and who I am trying to pick up the slack for. I feel totally buggered now but still have some work to do tonight. Maybe I should have gone for a run this afternoon!

Ah that feels better : ) Running in the morning.


At 12:34 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Would you like some chees to go with that whine?



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