Wednesday, December 13, 2006

NIce Weather

A nice cool run this morning - 16 degrees. The first k was a slow one (8.00) then I managed to pick up the pace to complete 7ks in 45.39. My right hamstring felt tight and I forgot the voltaren for the achilles so it was a bit sore too but only when I tried to pick up the pace. I also forgot to ice the achilles - the mornings are too rushed once I get back home. The icing usually involves a freezer block tied around my ankle with a tea towel while I make school lunches (anyone have a better strategy?)

Off to yoga shortly. I had to insist on going as G has taken boys to swimming, cricket training and then a meeting! But it is my last chance to get to yoga this year


At 5:50 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Get the kids to make their own lunches.....

At 8:25 PM, Blogger running uphill said...

While I sit with my foot up being iced? It sounds good but I have a hard enough time getting them to remember to put them in their bags.I also think that they probably need to eat more than custard and biscuits (as D just suggested when he read that comment:)


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