Sunday, February 18, 2007

Feelin' Groovy

Headed out for my long run at 1.40 today thinking that it would be cool enough as it's been overcast all day. I didn't actually look at the thermometer before leaving but it was 29 when I got back. Luckily it is very shady most of the way.

I wanted to try and keep on track timewise today with at most 7 min/k pace (the last few long runs have been slightly over this). I took the fuel belt and also put the mobile into the pocket of it (just in case).

The only wildlife about this time were birds and lots of goannas. Nothing canine which was nice!

I stuck to the plan and did the first 7 1/2 ks in 49.45. I knew then that I would be able to cut some time off my previous efforts on this run although it would still be a positive split as the second half has a lot more uphill. I timed the mountain view hill (previously known as killer hill) kilometre and it took 9.16!! Still, it is very steep.

All up the 15 ks took 103.20 - an improvement of 5 minutes from a fortnight ago. I was really happy to get the pace back under 7 minutes without feeling like I was really exerting myself too much. I think I just need to concentrate on pace from the start on these long runs as I do have a tendency to go out too easy.

The achilles is a bit tender right now. I am trying to do the stretching exercises three times a week so hopefully things will improve in this area in the near future.


At 4:31 PM, Blogger Celeste said...

Is that the trick - go out harder than "easy"?? I tend to start at an easy pace because I am paranoid I won't last the distance but then I stay at the same pace!!

I might try your idea of starting at the pace I want to average at! A bit slower than yours.....

One of these days you'll cruise up "Joyful Hill" and wonder what all the fuss was about!

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Thanks for your words of encouragement RU.

So when are you going to sign up for a race? I reckon the training could be better focused if you had a future race planned.


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