Monday, February 05, 2007

Stick Girl

Did my long run yesterday afternoon as this was the only time available. It was still 30 degrees at 5.00pm but I figured it would be starting to cool off. I made the mistake of thinking that the warmth would mean that the achilles would be nicely warmed up. It wasn't and it was really sore for the first 3 ks or so ( more sore than usual), maybe because I have forgotten to ice it on my other runs this week.

Anyway it got better as I went and it didn't seem too hot, plus I had my fuel belt with plenty of water. Pip decided to stay at home so it was a solo run. What's new?

Most of the run was uneventful until about the 7k mark when I heard an animal crashing around through the bush to my right. I figured it was a wallaby but for some reason something on the left running along the dry creek bed caught my eye at the same time. It was a dingo carrying something in its mouth. At first I thought it was a dead animal, but then I thought that maybe it was a pup.

Some of you have read about my encounters with dingoes before. I always feel a little disconcerted after seeing one, alright a bit scared actually:-) so then I ran with a stick for about the next kilometre and a half! In fact I was really tempted to turn around right there but I was only half a k from the new turn around spot. These are the only times when I question the sense of running solo in the middle of nowhere. It is incredibly beautiful and peaceful so I just have to accept that there will be wild life (of the not so cute kind) out there too! Not to mention that most times when I have seen a dingo it has been running away from me.

The legs were very tired at the end of the run and I was a bit annoyed to be slower than last week (108.17) but I still ran 15ks so I have got to be happy with that. No real niggles this morning which is also good. Gave the achilles a good icing and will remember the ice during the week.

Have also decided to rename the 'killer hill' 'mountainview hill' - a bit of positive reinforcement!


At 11:58 AM, Blogger Celeste said...

A dingo! They can be aggressive but are more likely to avoid a confrontation. Still, not a nice situation. What would you have done with the stick???!!

I like the idea of a positive name for your hill! Might try that one myself.

At 10:37 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Wow RU what a great run and nice behavioural training with the name change too.

I'm a 3 R's guy myself - Response, Rewarded, Recurs.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger Mat said...

Nice work on the long run, and for sticking with it, even when danger threatened!

At 3:54 PM, Blogger Vicky said...

Good work on the recent 15km runs RU! I'm sure the stick is good reassurance - I don't blame you one bit. I even get worried if a domestic dog is on the loose when I am running, you just can't be sure of their temprement...
I find the proper running tops/crop tops with a built in bra, even if it is only the 'shelf' type, to provide adequate support - and I am not exactly small in that department... I don't bother with sports bras at all - too restrictive and umcomfortable I reckon... Provided the top is fitting enough and actually fits properly of course.



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