Saturday, April 07, 2007


Another busy week at work. Have been running but not blogging. But, luckily now I'm on holidays for 2 weeks.

Tuesday: 7ks
Wednesday: 7ks with a 2k Time Trial. The time for the 2ks was 11.27 (not great but I think I know why). This gave me a new appreciation for J's cross country time.

Friday long run:16ks. The time for this was not good at all. I decided to do the straight up the road route which means that the challenging hill is kilometre number 12. But, this is a much prettier route as I get to run along the creek for some time and get into a pocket of rainforest which is beautiful.

I started out very slowly but decided to just go with the flow. I have been experiencing a racing heartbeat for about a week with pounding in my ears any time I sit or lie down. My resting heart rate has been in the eighties rather than in the fifties-sixties as normal. I was a bit concerned about this as the pounding in the ears is not pleasant. I had an inkling that maybe it was connected to anemia as I have not taken iron tablets in ages so I googled it before leaving and found that I was right. I promptly took an iron tablet and headed out.

The first 11 ks were okay but by the time I got half way up the hill I was starting to feel unwell. I started to walk and as soon as I did I wanted to stop which I did and then I wanted to sit down which i also did (get the picture). The last 4 ks were very ordinary and I even contemplated ring G as I had my mobile. Anyway I stuck it out but walked most of the last 3 ks and was dry retching over the last 1/2k.

I got home and had to lie down on the bed - sweaty clothes, dirty legs and all. I managed to recover after a while but I had a pounding headache for the rest of the day. I think that this must be connected to the elevated heartrate (and yes I will make an appointment to see the doctor asap).

Still glad that I got in the long run, even under those circumstances.


At 7:28 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...


I don't know much about it but my father in law gets that pounding in his ears you mentioned.

And if my resting HR is even 10 or so BPM above normal I'll take the day off.

Let us know what the Doc says.

At 12:02 PM, Blogger Celeste said...

Gosh RU - hope all is OK.

At 10:32 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

You did well to be able to run at all. If I take an iron tablet I want to throw up!

Good luck at the doctor's.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

I'm a bit worried RU, you haven't posted for a while. Let us know what's going on.


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