Sunday, February 25, 2007

Listen To Your Body

Woke up yesterday feeling bleugh. A bit of a tummy upset and very tired. However I had planned my weekend and it involved a Saturday afternoon long run (amongst the many activities). I had to take Pip to the vet in the morning (more on that in a minute) and nearly fainted (a combination of heat, standing on feet and a needle sucking out stuff!). So the signs were not really good for a 15k run!!

Stupidly I talked myself into going at 3 pm when it was still 31 degrees. From about the second kilometre I knew it was not going to be nice. But for some stupid reason (pig-headedness?) I kept on going. The first 7 1/2 ks took about 54 minutes (not so good) with the second 7 1/2 ks taking an hour (oh dear). I even walked up THAT hill.

So the lesson is to pay attention: "Listen to your body" as my yoga teacher says. Still, I did it and it means that I can rest today with just a walk later.

As for my walking and sometime running partner Pip ... about 2 weeks ago I noticed a large lump on his back. I finally found time to take him to the vets yesterday. The vet drained off some fluid thinking it would probably be an infection of some sort. However when he looked at the specimen it seems that there were some abnormal cells in a cluster so he thinks that it is probably a benign tumour (a melanocyte??) which he has only ever seen about half a dozen of before. He gave me some antibiotics for him which probably won't do anything and we have to call him in a week when he will have to remove it.

Pip seems his usual self despite this and quite enjoyed a social outing at the vets and then the cricket:)


At 5:35 PM, Blogger Celeste said...

Sometimes it's just better if you ditch the run when it is so hot! At least you know your pace is not truly reflective of what you are capable - blame the weather!!

Hope Pip is OK.

At 3:46 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Ickers - there is something definitely going around - hope it doesn't stick around.

Good on you for finishing it though - that which doesn't kill you etc etc....

At 7:31 PM, Blogger Mat said...

Good on you for finishing it though. Not feeling well, and the heat, yikes.
The speed is not important, just spending time on your feet that is good.

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Vicky said...

Running with an upset tummy - not good! Know the feeling just lately.

Hope everything with Pip works out ok. Good that he can actually 'enjoy' going to the vet tho!



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