Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Just the regular Tuesday morning run to report. Managed to get out at 6.05 (still pretty dark) and run 6 ks. The time was the usual morning effort 39.36 with a faster 2nd half (more downhill).

Scott suggested that I train for a race. I am, but the race is not for another 4 months. Does that count? I would like to do one sooner, I am ready to tackle the half marathon, but it would be hard to fit in with family commitments that take up most weekends. The June race is the Macleay River Marathon which is nice and close.

Should I take the plunge and find another race that is sooner?


At 8:33 PM, Blogger Ellie80 said...

I think that doing a race would be a fanastic idea if you can possibly make time for it in your schedule. But do what you can with what you've got - you'll be great!

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Mat said...

4 months might sound like a lot, but on the other hand, its only about 16-18 weeks. Mmmmm, that didn't help did it :-).

It sounds like a nice amount of time, where you can work on your endurance (at your own pace) so you can comfortably tackle that 1/2 marathon distance.

It will be great to follow your experience as you work towards this. Please do let us all know what you end up deciding :-)

At 3:07 PM, Blogger Vicky said...

Some shorter "events" sooner would be good.. You don't have to think of them as "races" if you get to the day and don't feel ready, just use them as a training run with a bit of company and added incentive! I reckon you'll get hooked! Besides its all good experience leading up to the HM.

Go for it! MAR.


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