Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Misty Morning

Had a big day (12 1/2 hours) at work yesterday but that did not deter me from running this morning. I needed to show myself that Saturday was an abberation.

It was still pretty dark at 6.05 when I set out and very misty - quite beautiful really. It's weird but there are always birds sitting on the road on these dark mornings, pigeons I think.

Anyway I decided that 5 ks would do as I had to drop the car off to be serviced before work and it would be a rush. The time was 32.47 which was fine as the first k was 7.48 making tha pade after that just over 6 ks/k.

Do I have an obsession with my times? Maybe it's just because I tend to do the same route each time so I'm always comparing myself. I'm thinking that it's time to set some goals for my running apart from the half marathon which is in a few months.

Any suggestions that don't necessarily involve actual/organised races or increasing the number of times I run per week (3) are welcome.


At 9:37 PM, Blogger Celeste said...

Sounds beautiful! I love the fog, as long as it is not too cold. I don't even mind getting wet!

At 11:43 AM, Blogger 2P said...

Nice work on getting up so early after a killer day yesterday.

FWIW - I think the goal of gradually lengthening your long run (I know weekends are packed for you) would give you a real sense of accomplishment.

Then if you do identify some goal races you can actually attend you can safely introduce some speedwork.

You don't have to bust a gut every run - you might want to have a look at Ewens blog and his entry on "Black and White" runs - you can find him from the comments section on my blog.

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Samurai Running said...

Hey RU

You could mark out a 3K stretch of road and every month or so run that to see how your progressing.The first time at a hard but relatively easy pace and then chip away at it. I try this and it works to motivate/depress me at times.

Also I "run uphill", in the real sense of the words, and gauge my fitness each month by how I feel during and after. 15 times at a semi fast pace up for around 30 seconds and jog down for recovery.

I like 2P's suggestion a lot too.

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Mat said...

Don't worry about tracking your times at all. It can be fun, particularly when the numbers are generally moving in the right direction.

Don't forget to look back into the past every now and then, and see what times were like months ago.


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