What blog?
Time sure flies - I hadn't realised it was that long since I had posted. Thanks for the prompt Scott!
Running news
- I have run a couple of long 15k runs over the last few weeks. They have been fairly slow but comfortable.
- The entry form for the Macleay River Marathon arrived last week so I now have a goal race to prepare for. It is on the June long weekend and this year they are giving away a free T-shirt to every runner if anyone is thinking of coming up this way. My goal is to go under 2 hours!!
- J won his cross country at school running 3kms in 13.54. Not a bad time considering his nearest rival was about a minute and a half behind him. He is considering running the 10k at the Macleay (just for the free T-shirt!)
- J got hit by a falling tree. Luckily it just glanced the side of his head and one ear, but it knocked him off his feet.
- D survived his first term of high school and even enjoyed it. It has been a big transition from a school of about 80 to one of about 550.