Saturday, March 31, 2007

Medium Long

Only had 90 minutes to run today as we were out for most of the day at a soccer round robin for J. I wanted to do the 16 ks again but it would have been too dark so I had to settle for 13. It was nice to have a cool afternoon for running - it was 18 degrees when I got back.

I ran straight up the road this time and managed a PB of 9.19 for the hill (it climbs about 300m over the km according to and actually managed a very slight negative split. I have to say that I actually felt really good and strong today and did the last 4 ks at just over 6 min pace.

The only gripe today is an unusual one for me and that is crazy drivers. Two cars of P platers zoomed past me when I was nearly home (and didn't even return my wave). G said that they were doing fishtails past the house. We have a lot of wildlife on this road and it is very narrow with steep drop offs in parts, in other words it is not a good place to drive flat out.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Go Boys!!

Took the day off to go to the boys' school cross country and to also have a much needed break (mental health day).

I was so proud of them both. D had a type of inflamatory arthritis a few years ago and had to have an arthroscope on his knee. He has also suffered from sore feet and ankles and apparently has very loose joints. As a result he has never enjoyed running. But despite all that he ran/walked 3 ks today! and came 3rd in his age group (out of 4!) He admitted to mainly running when he was going past the parents (a bit of a vanity fartlek). I was so happy for him when he finished that I had a tear in my eye (that's true D if you read this).

J is quite a good long distance runner and has won his age group the last few years. Today he led most of the way and made a fantastic time of 8.51 for his 2ks (not sure if his mother could match that). He had a girl tailing him the whole way, she is an age group below him and finished 2 seconds later (how amazing is that for an under 9?) They certainly helped each other to get a good time.

Told the boys that I'm equally proud of them both which D scoffed at a bit, but I truly meant it!! As for myself I've had a couple of runs this week: 7ks on Tuesday morn and 6 ks this morn. I hope to get in my long run tomorrow afternoon: will aim for another 16k run.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Mini Long

Managed a 10k run on the beach this morning after dropping D off for an excursion.

The first 5 ks were pretty good, just over 6 min pace. The wind was behind me but the problem was that it was blowing my hair (of which I have a lot and had forgotten a hair tie) over my sweaty face. This was very annoying and I finally managed to fashion a hair tie from one of G's hankies which I had in my pocket. This would have been a very nice look, lucky there were only about 5 people on the beach and none up this far.

The return 5ks were hard as the wind was now against me and the tide was coming in so I was having to run on softer sand. The pace was just under 7ks/min.

I saw a couple of sandpipers up the beach. They make the cutest sound when they fly.

Friday, March 23, 2007


It's been a busy week - topped off by a stressful day at work (ate lunch at 3.15). G is on his way to Brissy to pick up the new car and we have spent the week with one car which is very difficult! Thank goodness for the school bus.

I managed to get in a run yesterday which gave the knees, etc a good rest after Sunday. I ran around the local village which was okay, flatter than usual, and probably gave the locals something to talk about (not too many runners in these parts). I only got hooted at once and that was by my yoga teacher. It was extremely humid and I worked up a good sweat which was great as I then had to do the shopping and go out for dinner (only pizza with the family thankfully). G did make a rude comment before I had a chance to change my shirt.

I'm not sure how far but I ran for about 50 minutes. I noticed today that my quads are a tiny bit sore which is what usually happens when I run on a harder surface. The other niggles were fine, apart from the usual achilles carrry-on, which was a relief. I have some major chaffing after Sunday's run in the rain. I bought some Vaseline until I get a chance to get something better.

Just a walk with Pip this morning before work and off to a full day of soccer tomorrow. Hopefully a long run on Sunday. I have a run to a favourite local park planned - about 13ks or so.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Book Review 2

The Unknown Terrorist by Richard Flanagan

I have to start by acknowledging that I was the one who suggested that we read this book for book club, supported by one of the other members who had already read it.

While it is not my least favourite book read yet (that would have to be Rum Punch by Elmore Leonard) it did not really appeal to me all that much.

The premise of the story is that a pole dancer gets mistaken for a terrorist and becomes a target for media and community lynching. An unlikely premise and therefore a difficult one to sustain. I feel that Flanagan was just trying too hard to be clever. His criticism of society was just too obvious - especially as he started with a dedication to David Hicks.

The main character, the pole dancer nicknamed The Doll is a shallow, self-centred caricature whose main aim in life is to make enough money to cover her naked body in hundred dollar notes. Her development into a more thoughtful and compassionate human being by the end of the book is entirely unbelievable. The other characters are equally shallow and unlikeable.

This book is full of unlikely coincidences and cliches. I could easily have stopped reading at any point as the ending was so inevitable, in fact it was only that I was reading it for book club that I kept going.

This is the first of Flanagan's books that I have finished. I tried to read Gould's Book of Fish but couldn't get further than the first hundred pages. I have heard that The Sound of One Hand Clapping is good but I don't know that I'd bother.

Sweaty Soggy Squelchy

Those three words sum up this morning's long run. I put off running yesterday as it was very hot and I knew that G wasn't going fishing this morning. At 7.00 it was already quite warm (25 degrees) and very humid, nevertheless I was determined to run and I knew it wouldn't get any warmer as it was very overcast.

The first 4 ks were unpleasant due to the humidity and I was hoping it would start raining. Of course it did start to rain, got heavier and rained for the next 1 1/2 hours that I was out running.

My pace was slower than last time I did this run but I am putting it down to the extra kilos of wet clothes, hair, socks,etc :) I was most unimpressed to get to the last bridge (about half a k from home) to discover that it was totally covered in water about 3 inches deep. So my shoes went from soggy to squelchy.

I also had quite a sore right knee for the last 3 ks. I have been ignoring a niggle that has been developing over the last few weeks, but it was more that a niggle today and during the last few downhill sections it was even painful. It just feels very stiff now, especially after sitting for a while. Anyway I may have some enforced rest this week as I have a couple of late afternoons at work and we have only 1 car till G picks up his new one next weekend which means that it is going to be difficult to coordinate my runs. Might be a good thing as I certainly don't want this to flair up into anything serious.

I was glad to finish my run today and finally got to have breakfast at about 10.00 (just had a banana and a glass of Sustagen before heading out).

BTW G just called out to say that the tank is overflowing (we live on rainwater). As they say 'it never rains but it pours'. Also took Pip out for his first walk in ages yesterday, boy was he happy! He still has stitches but they should come out next weekend. He is recovering well and enjoying his new 'home' on the back verandah.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Made myself run the usual route in order to exorcise the dingo-demons. Glad to discover that there isn't a pack of blood-thirsty beasts just waiting for an unsuspecting to jogger to run past!

Actually I wasn't really that paranoid, only looked over my shoulder a few times:)

Managed to get in 7ks in 44.45. The middle 5 were consistent at slightly over or under 6 minute pace (5.30 was the best today).

Not sure when the long run will be. Probably Saturday arvo or Sunday morning. I plan to do the same 16k run from 2 weeks ago.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Stick Girl Runs Again

Decided to run yesterday afternoon as G was on cooking duties. It was very humid but I was making pretty good time until another encounter with one of my four legged furry friends. This one was very curious and stood looking at me for about 30 seconds before he decided to run off. In the meantime I had armed myself with a 2 metre stick (lucky there are so many trees around here) and was yelling and waving the stick about - trying to be the aggressor not the victim!

As per usual I then continued my run carrying a 2 metre spear in a manner somewhat like a hunter (would have looked like an idiot if anyone was there to see me).

I am not really scared of these dingoes, but I don't like the thought that something is out there watching me. They are always very quiet and seem to sneak around the bush. It is annoying the way that my next few runs are always done whilst scanning the bush all around to make sure there aren't anymore. I have to say that the biggest drawback to living/running here is the isolation. Sometimes my imagination tends to run riot while I am out there. But I guess that it's better than battling with traffic, car fumes, pedestrians and so on.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Trail Running

Have been checking out mapmyrun over the past few evenings and was amazed to find a map of my area along with all the fire trails marked as well. If you haven't checked this out it's really cool and the maps are very accurate and detailed.

I was inspired today to check out a different route *gasp* and do a loop using a couple of fire trails for my long run. I was a little disappointed to find that it would only be 12 ks, but in hindsight this was a good thing. I had only ever run and walked parts of this route before and I knew that it would be pretty steep in parts. The boys and I had walked one section last year and we agreed that it was too steep even for our 4WD.

It was certainly real trail running: uneven terrain, rocks, long grass, jumping and climbing over fallen trees, jumping over fallen tree branches, spider webs and clouds of insects that stuck to my sweaty legs but also two red-tailed black cockatoos, fantastic views (I even saw the ocean) and some magnificent trees. I nearly took the wrong fork at one stage as the sign post had fallen on the ground and I almost missed the trail that went straight up into the bush.

There was quite a bit of downhill running too but at times it was so steep that only a sideways crab walk would do and I had to move off the track a few times in order to get some traction. I felt sure that I would get home with skinned knees but I managed to stay upright.

It definitetly wasn't about time today. The first 9.5 ks took 91 minutes (the total time was about an hour and 49 minutes) which gives some of indication of the difficult terrain. I admit that I had to stop and admire the view a few times too and Iwas certainly puffing even whilst walking the steep sections.

It was great fun overall and I might try interspersing this type of long run with the more conventional dirt road route in future.

Hope all the Six Foot Track runners had a good day today and enjoyed themselves. Am looking forward to reading those reports.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Mid-week Run

Finally got a run in. It was raining and very dark Tuesday morning when I wanted to go so I thought I'd give up the morning runs until daylight saving ends. Therefore I ran this afternoon.

It was very muggy and I felt like I was struggling but as per usual the pace was better than the mornings. I managed 7 ks in 44.15 and two of the kilometres were well under 6 min/k (5.40 and 5.26) admittedly one was very flat and the other was mostly downhill. The half marathon that I will be doing in June is a very flat course and I would like to do it in under 2 hours. I think this is a realistic goal. Just wish that I could do more training on a flat course!!

Pip has been to the vet this week to have the tumour removed and has a 15 cm wound where they took it out. He needs to be kept quiet but is busting to get out of his yard. It doesn't seem to have upset him too much, but I guess we'll see on the return trip to have the stitches removed.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Two Ways

There are two ways to look at today's long run:
1. I ran 16ks (most ever!!) albeit at at pretty slow pace (av. 7.20/k). Although if you don't include kilometres 1, 6 and 16 the pace was just over 7 mins/k.
2. I ran for almost 2 hours!!

Either way it was a pretty comfortable run. A little warm still even though I waited till 5 pm and quite humid as a lot of cloud was blowing in. I had a bad stitch most of the way, probably due to drinking juice whilst eating yoghurt at lunchtime (D warned me that I'd feel sick later - smarty pants!).

I decided to go up to the 5k then turn around and attack the 'lovely shady hill' while I still had some puff, then back to the 2 k, back to the 4k, etc (too complicated to describe) for a total of 16ks. This meant that I wasn't running too far from home either just in case I felt yuck like last week and decided to cut it short. I still had plenty of hills to contend with although it was hard to turn back the other way a couple of times.

Boys had their last cricket matches today so I might be able to do my long runs in the morning on Saturdays between now and soccer starting.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Will I? Won't I?

After another late night at work I wasn't sure whether to run this morning. Got up at 5.30 to de the lunches and it was still very dark at 6.00 and raining lightly. By about 6.15 I had decided to go and just do 5 ks. Once daylight saving ends I will get back into some longer mid-week runs.

The time was slower than Tuesday for some reason (33.17) but it felt like a good run. It was way too wet to do a speed session down the creek, there would be loads of leeches and mud. Oh well, maybe next week.

Still thinking about those goals, thanks for the feedback.