Thursday, August 30, 2007

Finally ...

got onto blogger that is! Our internet has been so slow that I have given up on logging in a few times.

Last week was very quiet on the running front, however I managed to clock up about a thousand ks in the car (up to Tweed Heads and back for work).

I did my 18k long run on Saturday down the road which meant about 10ks on bitumen. I felt dead in the legs, probably due to the driving, but I did it. The time was okay - 1:56:23 - but not as good as it should have been as down the road is a lot easier than up (it is a literal description not just cliche).

Have managed one 5k run this week (29.53) and will go again while the boys are at piano lessons. Then a repeat of the long run on Saturday afternoon (better not go on Sunday with Father's Day!).

A little bit of a slump, mostly due to lack of time, but I'm still on track for the Blackmores Half.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another one gone

Some running over the last week, but alas no blogging (seem to be losing some motivation to blog as many of the bloggers I like to read are on injury or other breaks). So I will try to get back into it but have an extremely busy week at work.

Did my usual three runs last week with the standout being a 7k run in 39.44 (a big woohoo here for another training PB). Then had a morning run that was 6ks in 39.00. the time of day makes such a huge difference to my running times.

I didn't manage a long run for the first time in ages. the weekend was pretty hectic with social activities so I only managed a 5k run in the rain late Sunday afternoon.

It is pouring rain here this evening. Definitely the most that I have seen on the road here, maybe I will be flooded in tomorrow! (I have three creek crossings in my 6 k drive down to the highway) That would be both good and bad as I have some major activities to organise at work tomorrow for the following days.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


the past week of running has seen some incredible contrasts in the conditions. Did a quick 7ks on Tuesday afternoon (40.38) as yoga wasn't on. Then a short 5ks on Friday morning before work, nice and frosty in the paddocks and 2 degrees under the eaves. then yesterday afternoon I did my long run in a dry (31 percent humidity) and warm 27 degrees!

I saw a pair of dingoes about three ks up the road. I wasn't too happy with this as the ones I have seen in the past have always been solo. Still, they took off when they saw me (although to each side of the road). This slowed me down a bit as my head swivelled around in all directions to make sure they weren't following me (and not to mention the metre long stick I carried for a while). Then at the top of killer hill there were distinct paw prints in the dust and finally about 6ks from home on the way back I saw another one.

I knew the warm weather would bring them out, but I have only ever seen one per run in the past. I hope this is not a sign of things to come. Those who have read this blog for a while will know that I am a bit nervous of them (for no real reason except that I feel pretty alone when I am out in the bush).

I might run down the road (as opposed to up, which is nicer and quieter) if it is still warm next weekend. Or should I stop being a sook and enjoy communing with nature?

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Running not blogging

Still running but haven't got around to blogging in the last week. Had a couple of great runs last week with a 5k in 28.16 (a PB for this run). Ran from down the road (near the highway) to home on Thursday which was fun. Saw a boy taking a leak where he obviously thought no-one was around and had some cows follow me along a fence line for a couple of hundred metres (wanting food). Only had two dogs bark at me and both were behind fences (this is one reason that I go up the road and not down, although up is also a lot prettier but also harder work).

Then on Saturday afternoon I repeated the 18k run from a few weeks ago - in 1:58:15 (I think this is a few seconds faster than last time). I was suffering from reflux (not nice when running) for the first half and some stomach cramps, but not bad enough to slow me down too much.

A busy week with work and various other commitments this week so I'm not sure how I'll squeeze in the runs, but I'll do it. So glad to have some improvements lately, maybe the gluten-free diet is helping.