Sunday, September 30, 2007

Just Walking

Have not run at all since wednesday's 2 1/2ks. The pain seems to have settled into my right ankle/foot area with a little bit of swelling along the outside of the foot and some discolouration. It is a little painful to stand and walk on. I am going to be sensible and rest it until the swelling and pain have gone (although I am itching to get out).

A guy at work who is a football player/coach reckons that I should have 'run it out' on Monday and then been resting for at least a week after that as a general rule (not as treatment for this particular injury). What do you more experienced runners think? What do you usually do?

It is pretty annoying as this week we are off on a holiday to Qld. We are staying at a lake/touristy place for the first three nights where there is a 6k walking track that I was planning to run. Oh well, looks like I might be walking instead. G and the boys will be doing lots of fishing (for barramundi), I plan to do lots of reading (fishing is only fun if you have a good book!)

I will be patient. No running until this is resolved.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Not too bad evolved into some serious soreness and a limp by the time I got to work on Monday. the pain wasn't coming from the knee that gave me trouble but from the other leg. Tight quads and sore hamstring to begin with and a tight calf by the end of the day. Yesterday my right ankle/heel/underside of foot was hurting too and has been since. I can only guess that this is due to running the last 3ks in a very stiff legged manner trying to nurse my left knee through the rest of the race.

The ankle pain has continued today but I thought I would try a little run as sometimes it seems to help when I am sore. I walked about 2 1/2ks and ran the same. Strangely enough the ankle was actually better when running but I could feel it in the quads and hamstring.

Anyway, enough whingeing. It was good to get out there and better than I thought. I have gotten over the slight disappointment with my time. I have realised that I can be really proud of my effort in the last 3 ks. I really wanted to walk but I hung in there till the end. I had a few tears at one stage but I managed to pull myself together. I would have liked to finish strongly but it wasn't to be on the day.

Some highlights:

  • Running with lots of other people (a real novelty for this solo runner)
  • Of course the Bridge and Opera House (was I ever glad to see it at the end)
  • Watching other inspiring people run their own races, like the serious runners and people from all walks of life
  • Nearly reaching my goal (and knowing that it is still there for next time)
  • My friend S running her first marathon, not that I got to see her, but she ran 3 hours 40!!
  • he Cool Running Cheer squad at the end and the encouraging policewoman. Thanks!

Of course the question now is what's next?

Monday, September 24, 2007


My net time was 2 hours and 3 seconds. Can you believe it? Missed my goal by 4 seconds! But still a pretty good effort of beating my PB by 3 1/2 minutes. A bit stiff this morning but not too bad considering that I sat in a car for 5 hours after the race.

Did I? Didn't I?

Race Report

Didn't have the greatest pre-race preparation on Saturday - spent most of the day walking around, trying to figure out to get to where we wanted to go and discovering that certain train platforms were closed! Plus an hours walk with J in the morning.

Anyway, this morning started very bright and early. Four am to be exact! Had to get up in time to eat breakfast in order for it to digest, not to mention some 15 (I don't think that's an exaggeration) trips to the toilet.

The boys walked me down to Milsons Point (about 15 minutes) and I queued for the toilet (again!) which took up most of the time before we were called to line up. It was pretty cool but not too bad amongst the crowd.

Finally the gun went off and we got moving. It was good to see signs showing you where to line up as I tend to look at other runners and think that they all look like faster runners than me (which can be very misleading).

The first k was onto the bridge and went by in 5.42 (perfect as I wanted between 5.30-5.40ks). I enjoyed the run across the bridge but missed the 2k mark and got to the 3k mark in 15.53 (a little too fast but I felt ok). I can't really remember all of the splits (and missed more markers) but I do remember getting to the 8k mark in 43.27 (a little too fast maybe).

It was great to see the front runners going past the other way and the runners around me gave them a great cheer (especially the first woman). I got to 10ks in 54.56 (hmm my only 10k race was done in 54.49!). I knew that I was ahead of the 2 hour pacers and I was hoping to keep it that way.

Alas, they passed me some time around the 12k mark. I wanted to catch up to them but couldn't really summon the energy, and according to my calculations I was still okay for going under 2 hours. It was great to see a friend from work going past the other way at around this point, that was a bit of a boost.

I had been feeling a dull ache in my right hamstring since somewhere near the beginning of the race and it was starting to make its presence felt more strongly from about the 14k mark. I noticed that I was slowing a little too and wondered if I had gone out a little fast.

All was going pretty well till about the 18k mark when my left knee started to feel like it wanted to give out. This quickly developed into a pain, but I decided that I had to keep running. I have had this happen before and sometimes it stops again.

It didn't and the last 3 ks were pretty hard. It was really hurting at times but at least it didn't stop me altogether. I really wanted to finish strongly and I was so relieved when I saw the Opera House. I had a couple of little bursts over the last 2ks but I couldn't really sustain them for long.

As I came up toward the finish I could hear the announcer calling out 2 hours. Anyway I crossed not long after and can you believe that I forgot to stop my watch for a little. When I stopped it it said 2 hours 26 seconds. So now I will just have to wait for the result to be posted on the net.

I guess it wasn't the ideal race (only the end really). I just wish I could have sustained the great time, but maybe it was just too quick. It was a good experience, but much harder when you are not at home with your own bed and the ability to cook for yourself (especially when you are a coeliac, fish-eating vegetarian, an oxymoron I know).

One other little detail that may explain the day. I need new shoes. I didn't get them because I thought I wouldn't have time to break them in but I think I really should have because I also had sore feet at times during the race.

All up a pretty satisfying effort. Now I just have to wait and see. I have some more details, but I think this post is long enough.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Short Long

Went up the road for my 10ks this afternoon - I had forgotten how much nicer it is up there (apart from the hoons on dirt bikes, one even did a wheelie as he went past!). Ten kilometres feels so good (compared to eighteen which is what I have been doing) and flew by in 64.04 including getting up the other side of KH in under 8 minutes (just!).

Feeling nervous about next Sunday but I think it is more to do with the organisational aspects than the actual run itself (that will come later). I managed to find some accommodation after a frustrating hour on the net this morning. It seems that families do not stay in inner Sydney as every place had double, twin or single rooms. The one I booked said a queen bed and a roll away on request but in the photos there was a lounge so I figure it'll all work out. It will be really nice to stay in that part of town as I really only know a few areas in Sydney.

Goals for the race:
a) Under 2 hours
b) Under 2 hours, 3 minutes and 35 (my PB!)
c) A respectable time and just enjoy myself

No matter what time I get I know that it will be a huge thrill to run over the Harbour Bridge and to the Opera House. I will be enjoying the sites and soaking up the atmosphere.

Friday, September 14, 2007

10 To Go

Had a great run this afternoon - 8ks in 47.24. Cut 36 seconds off my previous PB for this run (which includes one side of KH). Also did 6ks yesterday morning - nice to see the mornings getting lighter. The highlight of this run was getting to watch some wallabies having a fight, one of them went flying upside down at one stage. Luckily they weren't too close. Last Sunday's long run was just 13ks, down to the highway and back in about 80 minutes.

So, hopefully the running is on track for the half. Now I just need to organise the accommodation. After much nagging G finally rang his sister today to confirm the date, only to discover that she is having 90 people over on the Saturday night!! So, I think we might stay in a motel somewhere near the start of the race. Anyone have any suggestions for somewhere close to Milson's Point? (BTW despite living in NSW for 11 years now my knowledge of Sydney is pathetic). Actually I am kind of glad it has worked out this way because I would rather stay somewhere within walking distance if possible. That way I don't have to stress about the road closures.

Friday, September 07, 2007


That is an acronym for slack-blogger, which is what I have become of late. Partly I am blaming the slooow internet, but partly I have to blame the slack operator.

I have also been feeling a bit of a lull in enthusiasm for running lately too. Don't worry I've still been getting out there, just not as enthused about the whole thing and wondering why I signed up for the Blackmores Half (probably a good idea that I did hey?).

Saturday's long run was just hard work. I felt a bit bleugh in the morning (not sure if I accidentally ate some gluten) but I made myself go anyway. Eighteen kilometres, 2 hours and some aching muscles later I was just glad to be finished. This week I have done a 5k on Tuesday and that's it so far. Too wet this morning and got home too late tonight.

Will try for the morning if the weather co-operates. Sorry, but heading out into a cold, dark, wet morning on a muddy, slippery road just isn't my thing. Then on the weekend I will do a 15k long run and try to pick up the pace a bit (maybe 6 minutes?).

Any motivational tips?

Saturday, September 01, 2007


Had a great 8k run yesterday afternoon - 48.00 (exactly) which I am pretty sure is a PB for this run.

It's great that the days are starting to get warmer and longer. It was 32 here yesterday.