Saturday, August 22, 2009


... it has been a while.

The very brief story - the Graves is back which I'm not happy about. The good part is that I went to the specialist thinking he would recommend radioactive iodine which I had my mind set against. He was great - said nobody would make me do anything I don't want to. So I'm back on the medication and also back on a gluten free diet (I'm willing to do anything that might help).

I took a complete break from running to let my heart rate settle (while the medication kicked in). This was while we went to the Territory so it worked out pretty well.

Just back into it over the last few weeks but work has been busy (bringing lots of work home) so this week I haven't run since Sunday. I'm really taking it easy on the runs and trying not to let my heart rate get over 170 - so taking lots of walk breaks. This is a really nice way to run I have to say!

No real running goals at the moment just letting my health get back to normal (also low on iron at the moment). But I have to say that it is good to be running again. I'm yet to to see the gastroenterologist about the other tests. I go to see her in a few weeks, but I'm assuming that all is fine.