Life seems to have been getting in the way of my running (and blogging) somewhat over the last week. I managed only 2 runs last week and no long run. When I ran on Saturday afternoon it was extremely windy here so the only option was the creek flat. The plan was to do 20 laps (about 12ks) but my stomach was really playing up so I quit running at 10 laps and walked another 5. I finished my stomach ulcer meds last week and the stomach was settling down.
Still I did manage a 14k long run the previous weekend which was good. I have a new plan for myself to get over my running/energy slump and that is that when ,y heart rate gets over 170bpm I am allowed to walk until I either get to the top of the hill or it goes back to 160bpm. Strangely this is having a positive effect on my enthusiasm levels. I want to run if I think it will be enjoyable. I started on this plan as I didn't want to jeopardise my Grave's remission (and heart palpitations were one of the first symptoms I noticed when I first became aware of the Grave's). Now I just need to find the time to run!
As for the title I had some good wildlife spotting last week: an echidna (seen and patted while out walking), a python (seen by me and patted by the boys - it is living in the ceiling near the chimney) and 2 eastern grey kangaroos (we see thousands of wallabies, no exaggeration, but very few kangaroos on our road).