Finally ...
got onto blogger that is! Our internet has been so slow that I have given up on logging in a few times.
Last week was very quiet on the running front, however I managed to clock up about a thousand ks in the car (up to Tweed Heads and back for work).
I did my 18k long run on Saturday down the road which meant about 10ks on bitumen. I felt dead in the legs, probably due to the driving, but I did it. The time was okay - 1:56:23 - but not as good as it should have been as down the road is a lot easier than up (it is a literal description not just cliche).
Have managed one 5k run this week (29.53) and will go again while the boys are at piano lessons. Then a repeat of the long run on Saturday afternoon (better not go on Sunday with Father's Day!).
A little bit of a slump, mostly due to lack of time, but I'm still on track for the Blackmores Half.