Saturday, April 28, 2007

Medium Long

Decided to try a longer run but keep it nice and easy. The aim was for 16ks, but I was doing an up and back, up, back, etc so that I could cut it short if need be.

I didn't take the fuel belt and regretted it by the first k as I had a very dry throat (very breathless at the moment).I decided that 12ks would do when I was starting to day dream about a nice cold drink ( also daydreaming about lollies - really craving some sugar).

It was a very slow run but I was glad to get in a longer one. I am still a bit tentative about my heart rate as it really climbs on the hills, so I made sure that I took it easy. I am finding it hard to even run at 7 minute pace at the moment! Still contemplating the half in June. I think I'll do it but with the aim of just finishing and running the whole way (my previous goal was under 2 hrs).

BTW the Anzac Day march was great. There were lots of school children and members of the community there. D read really well and got lots of compliments on his reading. On the way home he commented that it was great fun and I think he felt proud wearing the medals. J and I then went for a 6k run in the afternoon. He ran all the way which is pretty good for a 10 year old.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

More Tests

More tests are required so the doctor can find out what is causing the overactive thyroid. This means that I need a thyroid scan which I will probably need to take a day off work for and also more blood tests. Apparently my liver is slightly inflamed too but this may be unrelated.

In running news I had a 7k run on Monday afternoon. It was okay apart from the last few ks when I started to get severe stomach pains. The time was pretty slow again - but my new mantra must be 'at least I can still run'.

Going to an Anzac Day March (for the first time ever). D will be reading a prayer and wearing his great grandfather's medals. Then it's back home to catch up on some work and maybe get in a run this afternoon.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

No more googling ...

at least until I have seen the doctor again on Tuesday.

Yesterday's beach run became an 11k walk up the beach, across the sand dunes and back along the creek with 6 boys and one other adult. A great walk apart from the 2ks along sharp gravel without shoes.

This afternoon I set out for a 6k run but decided that I felt okay and would do 7. Glad that I made the choice as I saw an echidna on the road. It just froze so I got a really good look and it was still there but trying to hide under some leaves on the way back.

I felt a little better today and even managed to keep it under 7 minute pace. I have been keeping it very slow and not pushing on the hills at all.

Thanks for the support and advice. It makes me feel good that some marathoners take the time to read my blog (hope to join your ranks one day, but in the mean time I will just keep plodding and be glad that I can run).

Friday, April 20, 2007


The doctor rang at 7.30 last night (still working!) to give me the results of the blood test. It seems that I appear to have an overactive thyroid and therefore need to see her again next week. Hopefully they can add tests on to the blood I have already given otherwise I will have to give more, I don't really like blood tests. Plus she needs to see me about some other things (she did not elaborate) and I also have anemia.

Of course I immediately got onto Google to discover that I do have several of the symptoms including the racing heart, breathlessness when exercising, tiredness and weight loss despite overeating Easter eggs. Another symptom is irritability and I warned G that now I have an excuse:)

It is annoying that I now have to wait until next week to talk to her and find out more. Not sure whether to go for a run. I might go for a short run this afternoon at the beach but will give up on the long run for this weekend until I have seen the doctor again.

It is annoying to have health problems when I am fitter than I have ever been and eat well and generally try to look after myself. Still, no point getting worked up till I have more information.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Thanks for the support guys!

Finally got to the doctor today. The good news is that my blood pressure is fine (110/70). She listened to my heart and said that she could detect a slight murmur (which I didn't know I had) and that it certainly was 'chugging along'. She then sent me off for a blood test to check my iron, so I will have to wait a few days for the results. The best part was that I saw the doctor and then walked up to the pathology and had the blood test all within 30 minutes. Is that a world record?? The other doctor I used to visit could sometimes keep you waiting for over an hour.

I had another easy 6k run when I got home. I have noticed that I seem much more breathless at the moment even though I am taking it easy. Not sure whether to attempt a long run on the weekend. Maybe I'll do 10ks to see how it goes. I'm worried about losing fitness before my race in early June. I got the entry form in the mail the other day and I'm determined to do the half marathon this time.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Easy Does It

A nice easy 6k run this afternoon. I am just going to take it easy and be thankful that I can still run at the moment. It would be quite easy for me to stop running with the symptoms I have been experiencing. I know from past forays into running that once I stop for a while it will probably turn into several years.

the first time I took up running i was living in Katherine and just wanted to get fitter (had plenty of time on my hands). Then I met G and moved out of town where I could only run on the soft red sand. Combined with dizzy spells (anemia I later foumd out) it was just too hard and I gave up, however I did an incredible amount of walking.

The next time I took up running I wanted to lose the weight I was carrying after having 2 children. All was going well until I got a bad flu, one of thse ones wgere you feel weak for a month afterwards. We then moved to where we lived now and I thought there was no way i could run up these hills.

This time I want it to be different. I love running and I'm determined to stick at it this time. that said, I know that I have to be sensible about my health (especially with a family history of heart disease). So, I will continue with the easy runs until I know what is wrong and I will also continue blogging/reading blogs for motivation.

BTW does anyone know anything about The Athletes Foot and the fitprint thingo. I took J to get new shoes today and the woman kept asking if he had pains in his feet, hips or back (he answered no) as he leans on his left foot and walks on the inside of his feet and has a falling arch. I'm not sure if I shoulf get this checked out by a professional as he has never complained about any kind of pain. Any thoughts?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Slow Week

Yes, I'm still here!

It has been a busy but relaxing week. I had visitors from interstate for Easter and then went camping up on the Styx River (don't worry the name is misleading) for a couple of nights.

As for running ... I wasn't feeling too flash earlier in the week. I had a cold, thumping headaches and the racing heart. As I had one of my best friends visiting I went for a run with her husband but couldn't even make it up the first hill without walking (how embarrassing - I tried to explain that this was not normal for me) and had to send him on ahead while I only managed 5 ks. That was it until today but I made up for it with lots of walking. I worked out that I walked about 30ks over the week (not including toilet visits while camping - the drop toilet was about 500m away from our tent).

My legs were twitching for a run and I finally felt well enough (after I got over the waking up headache) for a run. I set out from the campsite up the track leading in. I avoided the steep hill by walking the first part but managed some gentler uphill and a nice long stretch back down again. It felt good to run again after a 5 day break:)

Scott - thanks for your concerns. I have been a bit wary of pushing it this week. My heart rate is still up but I will get to the doctor this coming week to get it checked out. As long as she doesn't tell me not to run:)

BTW the camping was great. Got lots of reading, eating and walking done. The kids had loads of fun as we invited some friends, who have children the same age, this time. It is such a beautiful spot and I loved not having to do anything. It was still nice to have a hot shower when I got home though.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Another busy week at work. Have been running but not blogging. But, luckily now I'm on holidays for 2 weeks.

Tuesday: 7ks
Wednesday: 7ks with a 2k Time Trial. The time for the 2ks was 11.27 (not great but I think I know why). This gave me a new appreciation for J's cross country time.

Friday long run:16ks. The time for this was not good at all. I decided to do the straight up the road route which means that the challenging hill is kilometre number 12. But, this is a much prettier route as I get to run along the creek for some time and get into a pocket of rainforest which is beautiful.

I started out very slowly but decided to just go with the flow. I have been experiencing a racing heartbeat for about a week with pounding in my ears any time I sit or lie down. My resting heart rate has been in the eighties rather than in the fifties-sixties as normal. I was a bit concerned about this as the pounding in the ears is not pleasant. I had an inkling that maybe it was connected to anemia as I have not taken iron tablets in ages so I googled it before leaving and found that I was right. I promptly took an iron tablet and headed out.

The first 11 ks were okay but by the time I got half way up the hill I was starting to feel unwell. I started to walk and as soon as I did I wanted to stop which I did and then I wanted to sit down which i also did (get the picture). The last 4 ks were very ordinary and I even contemplated ring G as I had my mobile. Anyway I stuck it out but walked most of the last 3 ks and was dry retching over the last 1/2k.

I got home and had to lie down on the bed - sweaty clothes, dirty legs and all. I managed to recover after a while but I had a pounding headache for the rest of the day. I think that this must be connected to the elevated heartrate (and yes I will make an appointment to see the doctor asap).

Still glad that I got in the long run, even under those circumstances.