Saturday, December 30, 2006

Around the block again

Another 7-8k run around the block, this time in 43.26. It was a little humid for Adelaide this morning but still a good run. The achilles was quite sore for the first few ks but ok once I warmed up.

Continuing with the eating bonanza, which won't be helped by going out to dinner tonight. Still, I'm sure it will settle down once we finally get home. Still have a few more days here then off to Victoria to visit friends before the return home.

Might attempt a longer run on the weekend if I get time.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Eating well, but still running

A few days of over indulgence ... should continue for a few more I think. I had a good run, this time around a larger block, yesterday morning. Probably 7ks (43 mins). Might try for a slighly bigger block again next time. Distances are very deceiving in the 'burbs. What takes a while in the car is in fact not all that far on foot. I guess with traffic lights and all that.

It was nice to run on fairly flat terrain, but the achilles was still squawking. maybe due to the harder surface. I tried to run on the bitumen or verge where possible but still ended up running on the footpath a fair bit.

Pleasant weather conditions for running - about 14 degrees. Will try to get out for a walk today. Good to see some fellow runners are still getting in their runs over the festive season.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Lots of driving

Finally made it to Adelaide after 2 solid days of driving. A nice short run around the block this morning. No idea of distance, probably about 6-7 ks in 39.39. Will need to find a bigger block for my long run if I can fit one in.

Gotta go and play Scrabble with Mum (aren't I a good daughter?)

Have a great Christmas!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Had a run this afternoon as I've got to get them in when I can this week. The next few days are going to be a bit crazy - tomorrow I will be at work related functions from 7.30 in the morning till about 8.30 at night (fun!).

It was quite warm, although the thermometer says 25 it felt warmer but maybe it's just that I'm used to running in the morning. I did the usual 7ks (44.44) and the niggles all felt okay. I was a little flat probably because all I had for lunch was 2 slices of white bread (that's all that was on offer for vegetarians unless we wanted onions cooked in heaps of fat).

If anyone has noticed that 7 ks is my favourite number there are a couple of reasons:
1. The 3 1/2k mark is at the base of the killer hill.
2. Around 45 minutes is the usual amount of time I have available.

Off to Adelaide later in the week for Xmas. The plan is to get in plenty of runs while we are away!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Running in the Rain

A light drizzle as I set out soon turned into a downpour about a third of the way into my long run. I had originally planned on running this morning while the boys were at cricket but J's game was called off so I left the run until the afternoon.

I didn't mind running in the the rain. The bush always looks beautiful when it's wet. The achilles only squawked on the uphill sections and I did remember to ice it well when I got back (once I had showered). Boy the shower felt good : )

The only painful part of the run was some very unpleasant chaffing. I don't usually get chaffing on my thighs but my shorts were completely soaked and I could feel it from about the 10k mark. It is very unattractive and quite sore now, even with some pawpaw cream on it.

All up 14ks in 95 minutes exactly. I am usually slow when I do this run as there are a significant number of hills (especially an evil 1k steady climb) but I'm pretty sure that this is faster than last time I did it. I felt really good for the first few ks (despite the rain) and the first 7ks took 46.48 which means that the second half was slower but I'm still pretty happy. Also really pleased to do 14ks again (the first time in quite a while) good to be getting the long runs in again.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Remembered the voltaren this morning which helped, although I did forget to ice (my mornings are not conducive to remembering these things).

The run was okay- 7 ks in 45.03. The first k was 8 mins so that means the pace was just over 6 mins for the next 6 which is okay for the morning. I have sort of given up on any type of speed work for this week, just didn't feel like it this morning. In fact I do wonder if there is any point when I am not actually training for a specific event at the moment. Whilst I do enjoy the feeling after a hard session I really don't enjoy it at the time. But then again I guess nobody does. It is also a lot harder to motivate yourself when running alone.

I guess the main reason I want to get faster is so that I can feel like I am still improving. I know that I could run longer but it is pretty hard to find a decent chunk of time most weeks. The main thing though is that I still enjoy running (even if I'm not getting faster) and I am still doing it!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

NIce Weather

A nice cool run this morning - 16 degrees. The first k was a slow one (8.00) then I managed to pick up the pace to complete 7ks in 45.39. My right hamstring felt tight and I forgot the voltaren for the achilles so it was a bit sore too but only when I tried to pick up the pace. I also forgot to ice the achilles - the mornings are too rushed once I get back home. The icing usually involves a freezer block tied around my ankle with a tea towel while I make school lunches (anyone have a better strategy?)

Off to yoga shortly. I had to insist on going as G has taken boys to swimming, cricket training and then a meeting! But it is my last chance to get to yoga this year

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Whinging, not running

Just a walk this morning (5ks with Pip).

What I really wanted to write about is how annoying my day was. It started with staff members wanting something from me so badly that 2 of them were literally following me around for about 5 minutes (about 2 feet behind!!) AAArgh - so needy! Why couldn't they either do it themselves or give me some space to do it?

Then I got told I was helping out with something about 2 minutes before I was supposed to start. Plus they were trying to cram every end of year activity in in the time before lunch as there was a presentation after lunch (a very boring one at that).

Not to mention the staff who are sick at the moment and who I am trying to pick up the slack for. I feel totally buggered now but still have some work to do tonight. Maybe I should have gone for a run this afternoon!

Ah that feels better : ) Running in the morning.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Running Without Pip

How does that new address sound?

Decided to leave Pip home for the long run today. This meant that I could just run without thinking about him. This was good in some ways, but I always find the run lonely without him. I also saw another dingo which always happens when I'm on my own. This time the dingo took off like the devil was after it so I wasn't too spooked by it.

The run was great. 12ks - finally a long run! The first in ages and it felt good. The achilles only whinged a couple of times and I managed to get up the killer hill without resorting to walking. the time was 83.08 which was slow, but okay for the terrain (this run involves the hill - .6k up hill on one side and 1k uphill on the other, leading up from the creek).

My knee (the one that I landed on when I fell) did not hurt at all whilst running but has been quite sore ever since. It feels really stiff and does not like any sideways motion. I just hope this is temporary or that dog really will be in trouble.

Better go, as now we will have to take Pip for his walk : )

Friday, December 08, 2006

Bad Dog

I should have left Pippi at home this morning. I spent the first k coaxing him to come, even putting him on the lead after I caught him running back home. The first k was an ugly 8.33 as a result (I usually walk for about 2 mins at the start - it sounds worse than it is).

I then decided to do a ladder/fartlek type thing and was making up the time pretty well. around the 4k mark Pippi stopped dead right in front of me (to bite at a march fly) and I stumbled, staggered and finally crashed and skidded onto the ground.

Luckily I run on a dirt road or it could have been worse. A scraped finger and a grazed and slighlty bruised feeling knee. I managed to get going again after calling Pippi a few names and made it home in 45.23 (7ks). I guess the time was okay allowing for the first k and the drama!

The question is: why do I bother running with a dog that would rather stay at home?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Nice Cool Morning

It was a nice 15 degrees at 5.30 this morning. I was tempted to stay in bed but got up and was glad that I made the effort. It was nice to have a cool and not so humid morning. I only did 6ks (38.53 mins) but an okay pace for the morning. The achilles only hurt if I tried to pick up the pace too much.

Off to yoga this afternoon to see how unflexible I am (again). Every week I think that I should do some yoga between classes but I never seem to find (or make) the time. Holidays soon so I will try to develop a routine.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Hot and Slow

That title sounds a bit rude! It is actually a description of my long (ish) run from yesterday. The day warmed up considerably (mid 30s) and I had to put off my run until about 5.30pm when it was 29.8 (I figured that I couldn't possibly run while it was over 30). So I decided to rake it weasy as it was qite humid also. I managed 9ks in 62 mins which was okay, especially as it was still 29 when I got back.

I have to say that the hot weather did not really bother me. I had made sure that I drank plenty of water during the afternoon and afterwards. But I was completely stuffed by about 9.00 last night. Needless to say my furry friend did not bother to come, preferred to hang out with the boys playing tips.

D scored his first runs (3) in cricket yesterday.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Saturday Morning

Just a quick update on the past few days before I head off to D's cricket. Ran on Thursday afternoon and I must mention that the achilles felt okay for parts of this run. Running later in the day obviously helps with being warmed up better (but it is hard to run in afternoons with weather being too hot or too many afternoon activities). This was a better effort 6ks in 37.36. You may have noticed that my times are now more accurate as I now have a stopwatch (it was a freebie!) Still thinking about that Garmin - hint hint Santa if you are reading this : )

Yesterday I just walked in the morning with my ever so reluctant partner Pip. It is a pity that the neighbours Jack Russell died as he was always up for a walk!

The plan is for a longish run hopefully this arvo if I can find the time. I have loads of house work and work work to do this weekend, but will try for at least a 10k run. It looks overcast today so the afternoon should be okay.