Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Misty Morning

Had a big day (12 1/2 hours) at work yesterday but that did not deter me from running this morning. I needed to show myself that Saturday was an abberation.

It was still pretty dark at 6.05 when I set out and very misty - quite beautiful really. It's weird but there are always birds sitting on the road on these dark mornings, pigeons I think.

Anyway I decided that 5 ks would do as I had to drop the car off to be serviced before work and it would be a rush. The time was 32.47 which was fine as the first k was 7.48 making tha pade after that just over 6 ks/k.

Do I have an obsession with my times? Maybe it's just because I tend to do the same route each time so I'm always comparing myself. I'm thinking that it's time to set some goals for my running apart from the half marathon which is in a few months.

Any suggestions that don't necessarily involve actual/organised races or increasing the number of times I run per week (3) are welcome.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Listen To Your Body

Woke up yesterday feeling bleugh. A bit of a tummy upset and very tired. However I had planned my weekend and it involved a Saturday afternoon long run (amongst the many activities). I had to take Pip to the vet in the morning (more on that in a minute) and nearly fainted (a combination of heat, standing on feet and a needle sucking out stuff!). So the signs were not really good for a 15k run!!

Stupidly I talked myself into going at 3 pm when it was still 31 degrees. From about the second kilometre I knew it was not going to be nice. But for some stupid reason (pig-headedness?) I kept on going. The first 7 1/2 ks took about 54 minutes (not so good) with the second 7 1/2 ks taking an hour (oh dear). I even walked up THAT hill.

So the lesson is to pay attention: "Listen to your body" as my yoga teacher says. Still, I did it and it means that I can rest today with just a walk later.

As for my walking and sometime running partner Pip ... about 2 weeks ago I noticed a large lump on his back. I finally found time to take him to the vets yesterday. The vet drained off some fluid thinking it would probably be an infection of some sort. However when he looked at the specimen it seems that there were some abnormal cells in a cluster so he thinks that it is probably a benign tumour (a melanocyte??) which he has only ever seen about half a dozen of before. He gave me some antibiotics for him which probably won't do anything and we have to call him in a week when he will have to remove it.

Pip seems his usual self despite this and quite enjoyed a social outing at the vets and then the cricket:)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Dark Creek Flat

that was the setting for today's run. It was still pretty dark at 6.00am, but I wanted to get back into some speed work and the creek flat is the best option (as it's flatter than the road).

The flat is about 600m (never measured it but it fits with my pace) so I figured that I had time for 10 laps. the first 3 were slowish (warming up) then I did 400m fastish (2.18) followed by a 200m walk and another slow 600m. I repeated the fast/slow (2.16 then 2.14) to finish 6 ks in 37.30.

The 400s were slightly slower than the last time I did this but I felt a lot better during them and afterwards. It was a nice cool morning (17 degrees) and it was light enough by the time I got to the fast laps to see where I was going.

Next week I will vary this routine slightly but plan on incorporating at least 1 speed (if you can call it that) session. Cross country training has started at the boy's school so I might have a running partner in J as long as he doesn't run into any more trees like today (has a scratched eye lense, hopefully not too serious). He is a pretty solid long distance runner - can do 2ks in just over 9 minutes (not sure that I could do that!!).

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Just the regular Tuesday morning run to report. Managed to get out at 6.05 (still pretty dark) and run 6 ks. The time was the usual morning effort 39.36 with a faster 2nd half (more downhill).

Scott suggested that I train for a race. I am, but the race is not for another 4 months. Does that count? I would like to do one sooner, I am ready to tackle the half marathon, but it would be hard to fit in with family commitments that take up most weekends. The June race is the Macleay River Marathon which is nice and close.

Should I take the plunge and find another race that is sooner?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Feelin' Groovy

Headed out for my long run at 1.40 today thinking that it would be cool enough as it's been overcast all day. I didn't actually look at the thermometer before leaving but it was 29 when I got back. Luckily it is very shady most of the way.

I wanted to try and keep on track timewise today with at most 7 min/k pace (the last few long runs have been slightly over this). I took the fuel belt and also put the mobile into the pocket of it (just in case).

The only wildlife about this time were birds and lots of goannas. Nothing canine which was nice!

I stuck to the plan and did the first 7 1/2 ks in 49.45. I knew then that I would be able to cut some time off my previous efforts on this run although it would still be a positive split as the second half has a lot more uphill. I timed the mountain view hill (previously known as killer hill) kilometre and it took 9.16!! Still, it is very steep.

All up the 15 ks took 103.20 - an improvement of 5 minutes from a fortnight ago. I was really happy to get the pace back under 7 minutes without feeling like I was really exerting myself too much. I think I just need to concentrate on pace from the start on these long runs as I do have a tendency to go out too easy.

The achilles is a bit tender right now. I am trying to do the stretching exercises three times a week so hopefully things will improve in this area in the near future.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Slow Down You Move Too Fast

I wish! Yesterday's run was much slower than Tuesday's. I set out at about 6.00 (way too dark before that) and managed to get in 7ks in 47 mins. A slow one, but my body just isn't ready to move quickly at that hour.

Not sure when I'll get in the long run on the weekend as it will be quite hectic with social arrangements, cricket and fishing to take into account. Only about 2 more weeks of cricket and then a couple of months before soccer starts (which D had decided that he will play this year too).

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Up Tempo

As it was pouring with rain at 5.30 this morning I had to squeeze in a quick run this afternoon (after finishing work late and before G had to leave for a meeting). It was extremely humid (85%) and felt like I was moving slowly but I managed 5ks in 30.47 (which included 600m of walking to warm up/cool down). This is much better than my last time for this run and I managed to complete the whole run at an even pace, including the hills.

I have always felt that I run faster in the afternoon without really trying. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I usually wake up and hobble around with stiff feet/achilles/calves for the first half an hour or so in the morning. Although my achilles felt a little sore this afternoon but I forgot about it after the first k or so.

Have done the achilles exercises which Scott got me onto and they seem to target the right area so I hope I will see some improvement in this area soon.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Just Coasting

Did my long run up the coast a little way today. The boys were playing cricket at the same ground so I got G to drop me off along the way and had my run. G thought I was being a bit gung ho but I reminded him that he is going fishing in the morning and I have to get my long run in somehow.

As it was only about 5ks to the field I took a road that headed off toward the beach with nice coastal views which probably added another 7 ks. All up I ran for 80.21 and I'm guessing that it was probably about 12 ks. I hope this still counts as a long run now that I have been doing 15 ks.
I made the dumb mistake of not taking the fuel belt (was worried about looking like I took myself too seriously) and it was really hot and thirsty weather. I might have run for longer if I had it but it was about 9.30 when I finished and it is quite warm at that hour. The moral of the story: who cares what others think :-)

It was a nice run despite being a tad warm. I saw kangaroos, nice billabongs with heaps of water lilies, the ocean and even some swans. I also waved at a guy wearing stubbies, knee high rubber boots and a hat (no shirt) - he waved back.

J's team won and he got 18 runs (including his first four)and took a wicket. D's team came close (unfortunately he got a duck, but had a few good hits and bowled quite well). We had a nice picnic lunch at the beach with the other families and have so far avoided doing any housework today!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Running in the Dark

Well almost. Was up early today (5.15) but it was too dark to run so I made the lunches and then headed out at 5.45. I was going to do a speed session down on the newly slashed creek flat but it was too dark for that terrain (was worried I'd twist my ankle) so I opted for the road instead.

I had a little more time so I managed to do 7ks today. The time was 45.34 which is standard for this run. I am trying to do the middle few ks a bit quicker at the moment (one was 5.10) so that is good.

Not sure when I'll do the long run. The boys have cricket at the same place on Saturday so we might all go and I will do my long run then (in a nice coastal setting). or i could stay home and do it, but I feel slighlt yuneasy about the dingo thing without G at home to miss me if I get mauled!! Okay I'm sure that is near impossible but it could still be a bad idea to go too far without anyone home.

Better go storm is brewing. Hope it rains.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Running on Empty

Had a terrible night's sleep due to a couple of glasses of wine at bookclub last night (not too many, but alcohol keeps me awake). When the alarm went at 5.30 I was tempted to go back to sleep but i figured that I needed nore than an extra half an hour. I forgot to turn off the snooze so G got a nice early start too (very considerate of me?)

Bed to road transition was slow so I opted for 5ks. The time was 32.59 with the middle 3 ks all at under 6 min pace (the first and last involved warm up and cool down walks). I would like to get this down to 32.00 so that will be my goal for the 5k run. Ideally I would like to run further but that is all I have time for at that hour of the day!

BTW no dingoes this morn. Good.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Stick Girl

Did my long run yesterday afternoon as this was the only time available. It was still 30 degrees at 5.00pm but I figured it would be starting to cool off. I made the mistake of thinking that the warmth would mean that the achilles would be nicely warmed up. It wasn't and it was really sore for the first 3 ks or so ( more sore than usual), maybe because I have forgotten to ice it on my other runs this week.

Anyway it got better as I went and it didn't seem too hot, plus I had my fuel belt with plenty of water. Pip decided to stay at home so it was a solo run. What's new?

Most of the run was uneventful until about the 7k mark when I heard an animal crashing around through the bush to my right. I figured it was a wallaby but for some reason something on the left running along the dry creek bed caught my eye at the same time. It was a dingo carrying something in its mouth. At first I thought it was a dead animal, but then I thought that maybe it was a pup.

Some of you have read about my encounters with dingoes before. I always feel a little disconcerted after seeing one, alright a bit scared actually:-) so then I ran with a stick for about the next kilometre and a half! In fact I was really tempted to turn around right there but I was only half a k from the new turn around spot. These are the only times when I question the sense of running solo in the middle of nowhere. It is incredibly beautiful and peaceful so I just have to accept that there will be wild life (of the not so cute kind) out there too! Not to mention that most times when I have seen a dingo it has been running away from me.

The legs were very tired at the end of the run and I was a bit annoyed to be slower than last week (108.17) but I still ran 15ks so I have got to be happy with that. No real niggles this morning which is also good. Gave the achilles a good icing and will remember the ice during the week.

Have also decided to rename the 'killer hill' 'mountainview hill' - a bit of positive reinforcement!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Mucking Around

Too much mucking around with Pip means that I will not bother putting the time for today's 6ks. I did manage to get out the door in 15 minutes this time so at least the pace was better in this department :-) The 5.30 start is a killer but I'm only doing it twice a week so I can cope.

Hope to repeat the 15k run on the weekend but I'm not sure when - will have to fit in with the cricket and fishing. Looks like it will have to be an afternoon run, just hope it's not too hot.