This describes both my day and the run. I worked all day yesterday (as well as 2 1/2 hours driving) and I have not felt like doing too much today.
I did my 14k run this afternoon. It was still fairly humid and rained a little, so not the most comfortable running conditions. But it was really beautiful in the bush today. the rain of the past few days has made everything nice and green and the creek was flowing well.
No wildlife of note but lots of things are in flower at the moment including what looked like the native hibiscuc that we used to get in the Territory. Part of where I run is a rainforest remnant (the part that hasn't been logged to death) and it is pretty gorgeous. I saw lots of staghorns that I hadn't noticed before (it was nicer looking around than thinking about my running!) On the way back I bumped into the boys out taking Pip for a walk and walked the last 1/2k with them.
2P had a good question on my last entry about why I want to get faster. Basically I want to feel that I am still imrpoving. I know that I can run longer than a year ago but I am not that much faster/. I thought that if I kept running that I would simply get faster, that is not true. I think that I have a pace that is really comfortable to run at (between 6-7 min/kms) and in order to get faster I will have to work at it.
My plan is to do the half marathon at the Macleay River Marathon in June next year. This is a long way off and I think I could actually run the distance now so I guess I would like to do it in a respectable time (under 2 hours wuold be nice). It would be good to do another race but I am pretty flat out most of the time - working full time + traveling 90 minutes a day, kids sport, etc. I might try to find another race to do next year as it is good motivation.
Busy week ahead! Hope I can squeeze in a few quick runs.