Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Just a quickie

Set the alarm for 5.30 this morning and dragged myself out of bed. It then took me a full 20 minutes to: go to the toilet, dress, put on voltaren, feed cat, put on shoes. Might have to start using the stopwatch for preparing to run.

As a result of the fart-arsing around I then only had half an hour to run, but I figured it was better than nothing. The problem with a short run is that it always takes me a while to warm up (especially the achilles) in the mornings. The first k was 8.13 but it got better and all up I did 5 ks in 32.58 (with a huge negative split) even managed a 5.20 k in there somewhere.

It was actually really nice to turn around and feel strong in the legs. Tried out the new singlet which was a bit of a change. The ones I usually wear have a shelf bra as I like the extra bounce reduction ( I wear them with a sports bra). However I found that it was fine, so maybe I have been fooling myself that that combination is more effective. Anyway, the fabric on the new singlet was nice and cool and didn't hold any moisture which was great.

Sorry for the ramble (this is really just a note to self for future reference).

Monday, January 29, 2007

Four Bridges

Boys were back at cricket yesterday so that meant the long run was Sunday this time. Luckily G wasn't fishing as he already went on Friday morning (and Wednesday but who's counting? Not me. We have had yummy fish twice in the last 2 days)

My longest run ever :-)! Did 15ks (approximately - will need to measure with car at a later date) which took me up to the fourth bridge. I didn't realise that this bridge was so close to where I usually turn around. It always feels good to make it to another bridge, I guess because there are so few man made landmarks on this run.

Plenty of birds around this morning. Startled a brush turkey that was up in a tree. These birds are so noisy when they try to fly. But otherwise a peaceful run with no traffic.

The pace was pretty even (definitely not fast) - 107.40, but I'm not too worried about that at this point. I just want to build up the kilometres and the time on my feet and to get into a regular pattern of long runs which will be hard as I go back to work tomorrow (do I have to??)

I felt a few niggles as I went: right achilles, both knees, left hip, but nothing that made me want to stop. I gave the fuel belt another go and must have got the position right as I was able to forget it was there, apart from the sloshing noise! Ellie's comment about the muffin top helped with the positioning!

In other news G managed to get a rather large fish hook through his finger the other afternoon while rigging up his lines. A 2 1/2 hour trip to casualty and 3 stitches later... the incident must have brought him luck as they caught about 12 fish on Friday. It certainly hasn't detered him.

The work, home, family, running, etc juggle starts again tomorrow. Oh well, I have to say that I have had a great holiday and have hardly given a thought to work (something I really needed to do for a while). Back to some early morning runs again!

Friday, January 26, 2007


That is the only word to describe this morning's run. It was very humid and although it rained it wasn't really enough to cool things off. I tried doing a fartlek which was a bad idea and just made me feel sick. I had a stomach ache and felt a little light headed. I also managed to run into a swarm of insects (none in the eyes this time).

6ks: 40.58

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Lost in Space

Stuck for a title so I thought I'd use the name of the most recent film I've seen. Boy was it a shocker, however the boys seemed to like it.

Tried out the new fuel belt this morning on a 7 k run. It felt (and sounded) a bit weird at first. I was able to forget about it for most of the run although it was pressing into my back slightly especially on steep downhill sections. Maybe I need to wear it lower on my hips although it seemed to bounce around more then. I was able to drink quite easily and getting it in and out of the pouch was easy. I didn't really need it this morning so I only drank about a third of it, but it will definitely be good for the long runs.

On my last long run I thought I would try taking some lollies for a sugar hit. I ate one and it was like trying to swallow rubber- each little piece took ages to go down. I really needed the water then just to wash it down.

Today's run: 46.17. Some good sections but my splits are all over the place (definitely faster on the flat or downhill sections) maybe I should try to work on more consistency in pace. As long as they are at a good pace, not 7 or 8 minutes!

BTW the achilles is still a problem and the other one seems to be playing up too. I think it's due to tight calves so I am going to try stretching them before the runs as well as afterwards.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Running Gear

Just a walk this morning. I was glad that I was only walking as it was extremely hot and very still.

We then went up to Coffs for some back to school shopping with the boys. I actually found the shops quite boring, which is unlike me and the only item that I purchased for myself was a fuel belt (hey, what does that say about me these days?). I bought a one bottle one as it seemed more comfortable than the multi-bottle ones and it holds more anyway. It is very snug fitting but I guess that means less bouncing around. I plan to try it out in the morning, not that I will really need it, but I am keen to see how it goes.

The guy at the bike shop was really nice. I sometimes feel intimated by the the athletic types in these shops. I wonder if they look at me and think 'What do you need that for?' but I was pleasantly suprised. Maybe because it was a bike shop and not a running shop!

Eating has been good thus far. Even survived a visit to the food court - had a foccaccia. BTW I actually weighed a kilo less than yesterday. I know I said I would only weigh once a week but I had a feeling that yesterday's figure was out.

Monday, January 22, 2007


The weather that is. Although J is finding a great deal of amusement in this area at the moment - don't ya love 9 year olds?

Took Pip for a 5k walk today. He didn't really want to come but he needs the exercise. Then we also had a short walk on the beach. The sea was incredibly rough so it looks like G won't get out fishing for a few days.

I am making a commitment to start eating sensibly (and lose the extra 3 kilos) as of now. The main things I need to focus on are not eating for the sake of it and also choosing not to eat just because it's there. Of course I will eat my usual meals and healthy snacks but the socialising of the last few months has really taken its toll.

G said this morning that I don't need to lose weight but I can feel that I do (there is definitely some flab there that wasn't there a few months ago) I know that I feel better a few kilos lighter. I will try not to obsess too much about it (ie only weigh myself once a week) and to that end I will try not to write about it too much in this blog as I can tend to develop an unhealthy obsession with these things (and its pretty boring too). Still, I do find that putting it in writing helps with motivation, commitment, etc.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

That's better

Today: 14ks
This week: 28 ks
This month:

Left the crazy dog at home today and had a good long run as a result (14 ks/99 mins). It was pleasantly cool at 7.00 am (16 degrees) and stayed that way for most of the run. It was really peaceful today, just a few wallabies and birds out.

At least 2 of the ks were run at 8 min pace which means that my pace was about 7mins/km for most of the run. I would like to improve this next time but won't push myself too hard. I was also thinking that I am probably ready to increase the mileage slightly next week, maybe up to 15 ks.

I am quite satisfied with today's run but I know that I need to consider some speed work again this week as I have kind of given up on it over the last little while.

The half marathon that I intend on running is not until June so I'm not really training for that yet, just trying to make some improvements.

I am also going to commit to some dietary improvements this week. G is having a bit of an overhaul so the timing is good. As long as I can get through social engagements without the mindless eating that I seem to do. That is where I always fall down. My day to day eating is pretty good but I tend to eat if food is put in front of me. Does anyone have any good strategies for overcoming this particular pitfall?

Saturday, January 20, 2007

My Dog is Crazy

It was just a walking day today and as G was out fishing (again I hear you cry!) I didn't head out until about midday. It wasn't too hot as there was a bit of cloud cover. I let pippi out of his yard, he ran around to the front and hid under the car.

If I hadn't have put the lead on him he would have stayed there till I was gone. As it was, once he had the lead on he came out quite readily. I know that I have blogged about my running partner's reluctance before but this really takes the cake. This dog is a border collie, that means that he is supposed to love running and could run up to 80ks a day if he wanted to (according to the poster in the vets). However he is also a complete individual and knows what he wants. He is also very smart.

The funny thing is that he never wanted to walk with me when he was a pup. It's very annoying but I think he sees G as his master and he doesn't like to be away from home unless he comes too.

Anyway I am planning a long run in the morning and I think I will go on my own. BTW the last k of the walk today took 8.22. On my last run I ran the first k (over the same ground) in 8.13. Hmmm I must be a fast walker or...

Friday, January 19, 2007

Nice and Cool

Good running conditions this morning, only 16 degrees at 6.30. It took a while to get pippi organised as he tried running home after visiting the neighbours. I went back and got him which meant that he then had to run on the lead for the first km. This is a slow and painful way to start a run and the time (8.13) shows it.

I managed to speed up slightly and completed 8 ks in 53.58. Minus the walking at start and finish this means that the average pace was 6.25ish. I completed one km in 5.30 (all downhill) which is nice.

Have a big social day today with a children's birthday party and then an afternoon hanging out at a friend's dam (which is about 6 acres of nice clear but cool water) with a group of friends and children. No doubt there will be plenty of eating and drinking so I am glad I have done my run. That couple of kilos doesn't seem to have dropped off yet so I might have to try and get a bit more serious about it (just not today :-))

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Beach Running

Despite the high tide I decided to run on the beach this morning as we stayed with the in laws last night. It was a beautiful morning and the sand was reasonably firm for the first k or so. It did get quite a bit softer the further I went so I turned around at the 3k marker. All up 6ks in 42mins. The time was ok considering the surface!

It was nice to see a few other runners (probably tourists as there are rarely any runners about) but none of them were too friendly, or maybe they were just struggling with the soft sand :-) I managed about 2 ks of walking also and a nice swim with the boys while G was fishing.

BTW not much success with the fishing, to G's disappointment.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Book Review

If you are not interested in books/reading do not read any further.

This post has nothing to do with running. A friend and I started up a book club about 2 years ago with a very small membership of about 7 regulars. I thought it would be a good idea to write a review of each of the books we read as a bit if a record. If anyone else out there has an interest in reading you might be interested in reading this review.

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

This book is definitely in my top five book club books read so far. It had me hooked from the start where Daniel, the main character, is taken to the cemetery of Forgotten Books by his father. He must adopt a book with the promise that he will look after it.

After reading the book The Shadow of the Wind and loving it, he decides to find out more about its mysterious author, Julian Carax. What follows is a tale of intrigue with romance and murder thrown in. What more could you want in a good book?

This book was beautifully written, but in a very readable style. The back cover describes it as a literary thriller which may put some readers off, but I found it very engaging with interesting and realistically drawn characters. I would certainly recommend this book to others.

Top Five Book Club Books (in no particular order)

  • The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon
  • The Time traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
  • The Birth of Venus - Sarah Dunnant
  • The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
  • The Mill on the Floss - George Elliot
It was quite hard to restrict the list to five as I have enjoyed many of the selections. If anyone wants a more complete list just let me know.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Not pretty, but I did it

Today:14 kms
This week: 29 kms
This month: 43 kms

My long run that is. The first km took 8.47 (due partly to drag factor) and I realised that it was going to be one of those runs. I was sorely tempted to turn back and start again tomorrow but I persevered. The pace only improved marginally, I just felt buggered today for some reason. It was quite warm even at 7.00 (24 degrees and humid) and had built to 31 by the time I got back an hour and 45 minutes later!! I guess one good part of this run is that it helped with my goal to build up to 2 hr long runs - not sure that I intended to stretch out my existing runs by getting slower.

I spent quite a bit of the first part of the run denigrating myself for the pace and working out what my finishing time would be. But then I talked myself into seeing it in a more positive light. I think that these types of runs are actually the hardest and it would have been very easy to give up (well maybe not when I was 7 kms from home in he middle of the bush!) but I stuck it out. Although I did walk up most of that hill and even walking it was hard work today. I really wanted to sit down. Poor Pip was totally stuffed. I think it was his first 14k run - congratulations Pip!

Thanks for feedback regarding my rave about getting a cleaner. I like 2p's suggestion about running gear. I am a very cheap runner with few toys, just reasonable shoes and a stopwatch that came free with the subscription to 'Runners World'. I only have one running top purchased in a sports store (on special). The only other investment I have made is decent sports bras (but these are absolutely essential as I am not exactly built like a marathon runner!).

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Cross Training

Not even a walk yet as I've been too busy cross training. Actually cleaning windows, some of which haven't been cleaned since we moved her 4 years ago, such as G's office. In fact I was telling him yesterday that he has never cleaned a window in all the time we have been married... Did I mention that G has been out fishing this morning??

We are off to Scotts Head this afternoon and I think that I will get them to drop me at the beach for a big walk. In the meantime I have been mulling over wether I should get a cleaner.

The pros:

  • obviously a cleaner house
  • more time to do other stuff
  • feeling more organised and in control in this area (this can get pout of hand at times)
  • might force us to be a bit tidier

The cons:

  • boys might think 'the cleaner can do that' ie. get lazier!!
  • feel uncomfortable with a stranger in the house
  • costs money (but I do earn the most and do the majority of the housework, although G probably doesn't agree!)

Basically I hate housework, who doesn't? It is ok when you have the time but when your time is limited it can feel like that is all you do at home. Of course that doesn't include running - but that is my me time (I'd go crazy without it. In fact I took up running when I got a promotion at work to make sure that I would also look after myself).

A long and rambly post about anything but running. Sorry for anyone who has just read all that but if you have and if you have any thoughts regarding the cleaner then let me know!! All affirmative comments accepted.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Not Fast

A pretty slow 8 ks this morning (55.28), the legs just felt slow. The first k was particularly slow due to the drag factor (Pippi on the lead trying to go back home) - 8.08. I needed to keep him with me as they are putting 1080 out due to a pack of dingo x dogs that are terrorising the area (a comforting thought). I managed to do one k at 5.15 pace - mostly downhill :)

Will do a long run on the weekend on whatever morning G doesn't go fishing! I will need to get up early as the days are heating up pretty quickly once the sun's up. I will do the 2 bridge run (14ks), at least that's the plan. I always figure that if I write it down I am more likely to stick to it. it usually works.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

That Hill

This is the view from the base of the 1k hill (it is actually considered part of a mountain on the map). Either way it is a killer and is incredibly slow to run, but as you can see the view is worth it. No running today but will walk later when it is cooler. Just playing around with the blog - didn't realise it was so easy to add photos.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Running Uphill Again

A nice easy 7k run to ease back in (47.07). Pip was very happy to come along and check out all his favourite spots again. Also had the best night's sleep in weeks, there's nothing like your own bed.

I managed to put on 1 kilo over the last 2 1/2 weeks (as expected) due to some serious eating and drinking. Good to be back home to get back on track in this area as I've managed to let a few kilos creep on over the last few months that I need to tackle.

Have been thinking over my goals for 2007 so here goes:

* Complete at least 1 half marathon (under 2 hours would be nice)
* Try to be more consistent with the long runs (at least once a week)
* Build up the long runs to 2 hours
* Work on pace (try to get under 6 mins/km for at least 1 run each week)
* Make a greater commitment to exercise on non-running days (at least 2 yoga sessions, walking, some weights??)

I think that should do. I have some other personal goals but I won't bother sharing them here. Someone suggetsed that I could consider changing my running route but that one will have to stay on hold for now. We live in a rural area with one road leading up or down, I choose to run up the road as there are less cars, dogs, people which means that Pip can run off the lead. The benefit to running hills is that when I do get a chance to run elasewhere it always feels easier. I also love running here as I get to run in the bush where there is lots of fantastic wildlife, beautiful scenery, etc. Basically I have a pretty busy life: I live 45 ks from work, I work full-time in a fairly demanding job, have 2 children therefore I need to make it easy to run - put on shoes, walk out door.

I also plan to keep up the blogging, it really helps to have the feedback and friendship of fellow bloggers and runners.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Finally back home after visiting Warnambool, Timboon, Melbourne and Sydney on the way back from Adelaide. Had a lovely time catching up with family and friends but it's good to be back.

I had one run in Warnambool on Thursday ( hot with lots of flies but a fantastic view) and planned on running today when we got home. Unfortunately it was hot until about 4.00 when it started storming. It has continued to rain (with thunder and lightning) since then so I decided to check out the yoga video a friend gave me (Yoga Burn). It was quite good, I only took one rest when he started doing some unusual poses (and it was hard to work out what to do whilst your head is looking up and you are contorted in strange directions!).

Definitely a run planned for the morning if I wake up early before G goes to get the cat. Pippi looks well but also needs a run. I am still thinking about the new year goals - will blog about this later.

Monday, January 01, 2007

And around again

Just another spin around the block. A little slower this time (43.53) as I had a bit of an upset tummy.

Another hot one here! Thank goodness for airconditioning.

Happy New Year. Time to think about those resolutions ...